Chapter 1
Configuring and Managing Zones
S e n d f e e d b a c k t o n x 5 0 0 0 - d o c f e e d b a c k @ c i s c o . c o m
Figure 1-5
active zone set mismatch
Importing and Exporting Zone Sets
To import or export the zone set information from or to an adjacent switch, perform this task:
Step 1
switch# zoneset import interface fc
slot/port vsan vsan-id
switch# zoneset import interface fc
slot/port vsan vsan-id
Step 2
switch# zoneset export vsan vsan-id
switch# zoneset export vsan vsan-id
Perform the import and export operations from a single switch. Importing from one switch and exporting
from another switch can lead to isolation again.
Zone Set Duplication
You can make a copy and then edit it without altering the existing active zone set. You can copy an active
zone set from the bootflash: directory, volatile: directory, or slot0 to one of the following areas:
The active zone set is not part of the full zone set. You cannot make changes to an existing zone set and
activate it if the full zone set is lost or is not propagated.
Importing and Exporting the Database
Isolated port due to
Switch 1
To the full zone set
To a remote location (using FTP, SCP, SFTP, or TFTP)
From Switch 1, Import
database forces Switch 1
to use the database
configured in Switch 2
From Switch 1, Export
database forces Switch 2
to use the database
configured in Switch 1
Imports the zone set from the adjacent switch connected
through the specified interface for the VSAN .
Imports the zone set from the adjacent switch connected
through the specified interface for the VSAN range.
Exports the zone set to the adjacent switch connected
through the specified VSAN.
Exports the zone set to the adjacent switch connected
through the specified range of VSANs.
Cisco Nexus 5000 Series Switch CLI Software Configuration Guide
Zone Set Duplication
Switch 2