"Program" operating area
Multiple editor (option)
Manual entry
If a synchronization step was not found, then starting from the
channel currently in focus to the right of this, it is filled up, or if
required, the search is continued from the far left to the right until
the maximum number of channels to be displayed is reached.
For the manual channel selection, the user is shown all of the MPFs
currently opened in the MCSP in a tabular form. Using the
checkboxes, the user has the possibility of selecting the channel
programs he requires for display in the multiple ASCII view.
The following rules apply:
The number of channels/MPFs selected for display must lie
between 1 and 4. If the number lies outside this valid value range,
then an appropriate message is displayed with the "OK" or "Save"
Graphic step view:
This menu point can be used to determine whether the graphic
step view – displayed at the left – ("icon bar") should be visible in
the multiple ASCII view – or not. In order to obtain more space for
the ASCII editors, it suddenly makes sense to hide the graphic
step view.
The graphic step view takes up more screen width depending on
the number of channels in the MCSP: for 10 channels, up to max.
The "OK" softkey is used to accept the current settings – under the
assumption that the setting check was positive. The display in the m
ASCII view is then completely built-up again.
The ""Abort" softkey, the channel selection dialog box is executed
without any further action.
The "Save" softkey is used to accept the current settings in the
SEDITOR.INI; these settings then become effective.
SINUMERIK 840Di sl/840D sl/840D Operating Manual HMI-Advanced (BAD) - 01/2008 Edition
© Siemens AG 2008 All rights reserved.