FSPF Routes
Command or Action
Step 1
switch# clear fspf counters vsan vsan-id interface fc
FSPF Routes
FSPF routes traffic across the fabric, based on entries in the FSPF database. These routes can be learned
dynamically or configured statically.
Fibre Channel Routes
Each port implements a forwarding logic, which forwards frames based on its FC ID. Using the FC ID for
the specified interface and domain, you can configure the specified route (for example, FC ID 111211 and
domain ID 3) in the switch with domain ID 1 (see the following figure).
Figure 38: Fibre Channel Routes
Configuring Fibre Channel Routes
You can configure a Fibre Channel route.
1. configure terminal
2. fcroute fcid interface fc slot/port domain domain-id vsan vsan-id
3. fcroute fcid interface san-port-channel port domain domain-id vsan vsan-id
4. fcroute fcid interface fc slot/port domain domain-id metric value vsan vsan-id
5. fcroute fcid interface fc slot/port domain domain-id metric value remote vsan vsan-id
6. fcroute fcid netmask interface fc slot/port domain domain-id vsan vsan-id
Cisco Nexus 5000 Series NX-OS SAN Switching Configuration Guide, Release 5.2(1)N1(1)
Configuring Fibre Channel Routing Services and Protocols
Clears the FSPF statistics counters for the specified interface
in the specified VSAN.