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Cisco MDS 9000 series Command Reference Manual page 1345

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Chapter 22
Show Commands
S e n d d o c u m e n t a t i o n c o m m e n t s t o m d s f e e d b a c k - d o c @ c i s c o . c o m
Table 22-12
Number of devices zoned in
vsan: a/b (Unzoned: c |
Default-zone: d)
Number of zone members
resolved: a/b (Unresolved: c)
Num zones
Number of IVR zones
Number of IPS zones
Formatted database size
OL-8413-07, Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 3.x
show zone analysis Field Descriptions for the Active Zoning Database
Displays the number of devices that are present in the zoning
a = The number of unique resolved members in the active
b = The number of devices logged in, which is the same as the
number of entries in the Fibre Channel name server (FCNS)
c = The number of devices logged in, but not zoned in the
zoning configuration.
d = The number of devices in the default zone. d is displayed
only if the default zoning policy is permit.
Displays the number of members that are resolved in this VSAN in
the form: a out of b members in the zone set are resolved.
The number of resolved members is not necessarily unique. For
example, if a pWWN member and a fWWN member resolve to the
same FC ID, then that member is counted as two resolved members
out of two members present.
a = The number of members resolved.
b = The total number of members present.
c = The total number of members unresolved.
Displays the total number of zones that are present in the active zone
Displays the number of zones added and activated by IVR.
Displays the number of zones added and activated by the IP Storage
services manager (IPS-MGR).
Displays the total size of the active database when formatted to be
sent over the wire.
The formatted database size is displayed in kilobytes (KB) in this
< X KB / Y KB, as in the following example.
Formatted database size: < 1 KB/2000 KB
In this example, the formatted database size is less than 1 KB out of
the maximum size of 2000 KB.
Cisco MDS 9000 Family Command Reference
show zone analysis


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