How to Configure SNMP
Command or Action
Step 5
snmp-server user username group-name
{remote host [ udp-port port]} {v1
[access access-list] | v2c [access
access-list] | v3 [encrypted] [access
access-list] [auth {md5 | sha}
auth-password] } [priv {des | 3des | aes
{128 | 192 | 256}} priv-password]
Pat public v2c
Step 6
Switch(config)# end
Step 7
show running-config
Switch# show running-config
Step 8
copy running-config startup-config
Switch# copy running-config
Consolidated Platform Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15.2(4)E (Catalyst 2960-X Switches)
Adds a new user for an SNMP group.
The username is the name of the user on the host that connects to the agent.
The group-name is the name of the group to which the user is associated.
Enter remote to specify a remote SNMP entity to which the user belongs and
the hostname or IP address of that entity with the optional UDP port number.
The default is 162.
Enter the SNMP version number (v1, v2c, or v3). If you enter v3, you have these
additional options:
snmp-server user
• encrypted specifies that the password appears in encrypted format. This
keyword is available only when the v3 keyword is specified.
• auth is an authentication level setting session that can be either the
HMAC-MD5-96 (md5) or the HMAC-SHA-96 (sha) authentication level
and requires a password string auth-password (not to exceed 64 characters).
If you enter v3 you can also configure a private (priv) encryption algorithm and
password string priv-password using the following keywords (not to exceed 64
• priv specifies the User-based Security Model (USM).
• des specifies the use of the 56-bit DES algorithm.
• 3des specifies the use of the 168-bit DES algorithm.
• aes specifies the use of the DES algorithm. You must select either 128-bit,
192-bit, or 256-bit encryption.
(Optional) Enter access access-list with a string (not to exceed 64 characters)
that is the name of the access list.
Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Verifies your entries.
(Optional) Saves your entries in the configuration file.