Removing and Replacing FRUs from the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Routers
What to Do Next
You have removed the eUSB device from the Cisco ASR 1001 Router.
Remove and Replace the eUSB Device on the Cisco ASR 1001 Router
To replace the eUSB component into the Cisco ASR 1001 Router, follow these steps:
1. With the chassis cover removed, align the replacement eUSB device over the connector and standoff. The
device fits over the threaded post that sticks up off the board and accepts a screw to hold the eUSB firmly
to the Cisco ASR 1001 chassis base.
2. Gently insert the new eUSB device by pressing it into the connector while keeping the eUSB device aligned
with the standoff. Secure the eUSB device with the small Phillips screw, as displayed in the following
3. Replace the chassis cover and power supplies. To replace the Cisco ASR 1001 Router top cover:
4. Install the power supplies into the chassis. See: xref sections.
5. Restore the backup copy of the startup-config and the boot image to the eUSB device:
6. Verify that the Cisco ASR 1001 Router is operating properly. Check whether the internal hard drive LED
(labeled as DISK HD) is flashing green. To check if the LED is flashing green, from the ROMMON or
IOS prompt, run the following command:
7. To restore data after the internal hard drive replacement, run the following command:
Remove and Replace the eUSB Device on the Cisco ASR 1001 Router
Cisco ASR 1000 Series Router Hardware Installation Guide