Knob Parameter Adjustment
Action selection
Aux Bus
AUX bus
Reg No
Register number
Src No
Source signal
a) As for the setting values, see "Selectable actions for various trigger
types" (page 237)
b) When knob 2 selection is "Aux ? O'ride Src ??"
c) When knob 2 selection is "Key Snapshot"
d) When knob 2 selection is "Snapshot" or "Shotbox"
e) When knob 2 selection is "Macro"
f) When knob 2 selection is "Effect"
g) The following values apply to the MVS-8000X.
For primary inputs: 1 to 144
For premium inputs: 145 to 164 ((PREM1) to (PREM20) indicated
after the number)
For format converter dedicated inputs: 165 to 180 ((FC1) to (FC16)
indicated after the number)
h) The values from 1 to 80 apply to the MVS-7000X.
To confirm the setting in step 4, press [Action Set].
This confirms the setting, which appears in the status
Selectable actions for various trigger types
• When the trigger type is other than "Level"
In M/E-x, the x is the M/E bank number (1 to 5); in
DSKx the x is the DSK number (1 to 8); in Keyx the x is
the key number (1 to 8).
M/E-x Cut, M/E-x Auto Trans, P/P Cut, P/P Auto Trans,
M/E-x Keyx Cut, M/E-x Keyx Auto Trans, P/P DSKx
Cut, P/P DSKx Auto Trans, FTB Auto Trans, FTB Cut,
Master SS ? Recall, SS ? Recall, M/E-x Keyx SS ?
Recall, P/P DSKx SS ? Recall, Master Effect ? Recall,
Effect ? Recall, Effect ? Recall & Run, KF Run, KF
Stop, KF Rewind, FM Src1 Field Freeze, FM Src1
Frame Freeze, FM Src1 Freeze Off, FM Src2 Field
Freeze, FM Src2 Frame Freeze, FM Src2 Freeze Off, FM
Src1 Clip Record, FM Src1 Clip Stop, FM Src2 Clip
Record, FM Src2 Clip Stop, FM1 to FM8 Clip Cueup,
FM1 to FM8 Clip Play, FM1 to FM8 Clip Stop, Shotbox
? Recall, Macro Take, Macro ? Recall, No Action
• When the trigger type is only "Rising Edge" or
"Falling Edge"
Aux? O'ride Src ??
• When the trigger type is "Level"
In M/E-x, the x is the M/E bank number (1 to 5).
System Format, System Aspect, M/E-x Aspect, P/P
Aspect, DME Ch1 Aspect, DME Ch2 Aspect, DME Ch3
Aspect, DME Ch4 Aspect, DME Ch5 Aspect, DME Ch6
Aspect, DME Ch7 Aspect, DME Ch8 Aspect, Level
Enable, Panel Status, No Action
• "Level Enable" is a function that determines whether
1 to maximum
GPI inputs are enabled ("Enable") or disabled
("Disable") for the "System Aspect" and "System
Format" actions that can be used when the trigger type is
1 to 48
Level. When Level Enable is used, if the input is
"Disable" then it is not possible to switch "System
1 to 4
1 to 99
Aspect" or "System Format" by GPI input.
1 to 250
If a GPI to switch "System Aspect" or "System Format"
1 to 399
occurs when powering the system off, the action
1 to maximum
triggered by the GPI may start immediately before the
b) g) h)
power goes off and the power may go off before the
action is completed. This may corrupt the setup settings.
It is therefore recommended to use Level Enable to avoid
such a situation.
• As for "Aux ? O'ride Src ??," when "Rising Edge" is
selected, on a rising edge the set AUX bus input is used.
On a falling edge, the original state of the cross-point is
restored. If the GPI trigger is applied repeatedly at short
intervals (0.5 second or less), the cross-point switching
may not be carried out correctly. In this case, apply the
GPI trigger again.
• If "System Format" is selected for "Action" when the
format converter is used on the switcher, you can set the
conversion format of the format converter for "FC Input
1-4," "FC Input 5-8," "FC Input 9-12" (MVS-8000X
only), "FC Input 13-16" (MVS-8000X only), "FC
Output 1-2," and "FC Output 3-4."
• In Dual Simul mode, you can select the target switcher
for the panel status display using "Panel Status"
(H=SWR1, L=SWR2).
Carrying out level settings
To set the low level and high level, first set the trigger type
to "Level," then use the following procedure.
In the DCU >GPI Input Assign menu, select the action
to be set, and press [H/L Set].
The H/L Set menu appears.
Using any of the following methods, select the
• Press directly on the list in the status area.
• Press the arrow keys to scroll the reverse video
• Turn the knob.
Knob Parameter Adjustment
To apply the selection made in step 2 when the input
is the GPI high level, press [H Set]. To apply the
Signal format/
screen aspect
ratio selection
GPI Input Setting (GPI Input Assign Menu)
Setting values
1 to maximum