(3) Setting method
The link refresh is assigned by the Refresh Parameters. (
(4) Precautions
For cyclic data assurance of more than 32 bits, use one of the following methods.
• Enable the Block Data Assurance per Station setting. (
• Create an interlock program. (
When the CPU module is turned off and on or reset, data in latched devices (the devices listed in the "CPU module device"
column in the table below) may be output depending on the timing of the link scan and link refresh even if the data are
cleared to zero on a sequence program.
Take the following actions not to output the data in the latched devices.
Latch relay (L), file register (R, ZR)
Extended data register (D), extended link register (W),
device within the latch range
For the initial device value setting, refer to the user's manual (Function Explanation, Program Fundamentals) for the
CPU module used.
Page 134, Section 8.1.5)
CPU module device
Page 103, Section 7.5)
Page 88, Section 7.3, Page 134, Section 8.1.5)
How to disable the setting
Use the initial device value to clear the device to 0
Delete all the latch range settings.