Cisco Nexus 7000 Series LISP Commands
S e n d d o c u m e n t c o m m e n t s t o n e x u s 7 k - d o c f e e d b a c k @ c i s c o . c o m .
You must configure the Map Server and ETR with matching passwords for the Map-Registration process
to successfully complete. When a LISP site successfully completes the Map-Registration process, its
attributes are displayed by using the show lisp site command. If the Map-Registration process is
unsuccessful, the site does not be display.
This command does not require a license.
This example shows how to configure the LISP site named Customer-1, enter the site command mode,
and enter the shared password:
switch# configuration terminal
switch(config)# lisp site Customer-1
switch(config-lisp-site)# authentication-key 0 s0m3-s3cr3t-k3y
Related Commands
lisp site
ip lisp etr map-server
ipv6 lisp etr
show lisp site
Configures a LISP site and enters site configuration mode on a Map Server.
Configures the IPv4 or IPv6 locator address of the LISP Map Server to
which an ETR should register for its IPv4 EID prefixes.
Configures the IPv4 or IPv6 locator address of the LISP Map Server to
which an ETR should register for its IPv6 EID prefixes.
Displays registered LISP sites on a Map Server.
Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS LISP Command Reference