• SMS Settings
• Email Settings
• Empty
Multimedia Message
The following options are available:
• Send Settings:
• Delivery Report: when this option is enabled, the network informs you whether
or not your message has been delivered.
• Read Reply: when this option is enabled, your phone sends a request for a reply
along with your message to the recipient.
• Priority: you can select the priority level of your messages.
• Expiry Date: you can select the length of time your messages are stored in the
message center after they are sent.
• Delivery Time: you can set a time delay before the phone sends your
• Receive Settings: you can specify the category of messages you want to retrieve.
Allows you to set the following:
• Anonymous Reject: rejects messages with a category of anonymous.
• ADS Allowed: allows messages with a category of advertisement.
• Information Allowed: allows messages with the category of information.
• Report Allowed: allows messages with a report.
• Auto Download: automatically downloads the message from the server.
• Profile: you can select a connection profile to be used for sending and receiving
Multimedia messages.
Push Message
The following options are available:
• Receive: you can select whether the phone receive or reject push-messages from
the WAP server. Choose from Never, Always, or SMS-C Specific.
• Service Center : enter a service center number to receive SMS messages.
The following options are available:
• Receive: allows you to enable or disable the reception of broadcast messages.
• Channel List: allows you to indicate the channels from which you wish to receive
broadcast messages. The following options are available:
• Save: use to save the channel for future use.
• Add Channel: use to enter the ID and title for a new channel.
• Delete: use to remove a channel from the list.