For updated versions of the ServeRAID software, go to systems/support/supportsite.wss/docdisplay?lndocid=SERV-RAID &brandind=5000008 or complete the following steps. Note: Changes are made periodically to the IBM Web site. Procedures for locating firmware and documentation might vary slightly from what is described in this document.
A previously used good hard disk drive is defined in this document as a drive that was previously a member of an array that was attached to a ServeRAID-8 series controller. The drive is being reused within a new RAID configuration. Before you...
Note: The ServeRAID-8 series controllers can run multiple synchronizations, at the expense of an incremental performance decrease. You can modify the priority of synchronizations from high to low by using the ServeRAID Manager application or by using the arcconf setpriority command to help balance incoming user workload to synchronization workload.
High, the task can take as much as 33% of the controller resources. After the array is created, you can modify the priority from High to Medium to Low by using the IBM ServeRAID Support CD, the ServeRAID Manager application, or the arcconf setpriority command. Modifying the priority to low reduces the resources that are used by the synchronization to about 16% but increases the time that it takes to be completed.
IBM ServeRAID Support CD, the ServeRAID Manager application, and the arcconf setcache command. Note: The IBM default hard disk drive write-cache state for SAS drives is Disabled or Off. For SATA drives, the IBM default hard disk drive write-cache policy is Enabled or On.
15407 or later. Performance is degraded with multiple ongoing background tasks The ServeRAID-8 series controllers are designed to run multiple background tasks at the same time. Background tasks are rebuilds, synchronizations, and copy back operations.
ServeRAID Management console and agent. ServeRAID Manager Agent software supports industry-standard Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) for alert automation. If a PFA alert occurs on an IBM hard disk drive, the hard disk drive is eligible for replacement under the warranty terms and conditions.
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3. Mark the drive Defunct and wait for the amber LED to light. (Use the ServeRAID Manager application, the IBM ServeRAID Support CD, or the arcconf setstate command.) 4. Without removing the drive completely, gently remove the physical drive from the connector, using the handle of the tray.
The tool that is used to program these settings is the Adaptec Manufacturing SAS Update (AMSU) utility. PHY settings are not firmware updates. Over time, IBM has made improvements to the signal quality through continued testing and as new devices are released.
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Systems Director components, as applicable. 5. Update the command-line tools. 6. Update the hard disk drive firmware. 7. Update the backplane firmware, as applicable to the system. 8. For external SAS/SATA storage, update the firmware of any attached IBM ® System Storage EXP3000.
1. Obtain a 2-pin jumper connector. 2. Download and create the ServeRAID-8i flash diskettes from the IBM ServeRAID Support CD version 9.0 (containing build 15407 or later) or download the individual diskettes (two total) from the ServeRAID Software Matrix Web site;...
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Note: Changes are made periodically to the IBM Web site. Procedures for locating firmware and documentation might vary slightly from what is described in this document. a. Go to b. Under Product support, click System x. c. Under Popular links, click Software and device drivers.
Note: Changes are made periodically to the IBM Web site. Procedures for locating firmware and documentation might vary slightly from what is described in this document. a. Go to
Note: Changes are made periodically to the IBM Web site. Procedures for locating firmware and documentation might vary slightly from what is described in this document. a. Go to
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POST banner. 12. As the system starts to diskette 1, the following message is displayed: This program will update the firmware on all IBM ServeRAID-8k controllers in the system. Do you want to continue. [Y,N]? 13. Type y to respond to the prompt, and then follow the instructions on the screen to complete the flash update.
Note: Changes are made periodically to the IBM Web site. Procedures for locating firmware and documentation might vary slightly from what is described in this document. a. Go to
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POST banner. 10. As the server starts to diskette 1, the following message is displayed: This program will update the firmware on all IBM ServeRAID-8k controllers in the system. Do you want to continue. [Y,N]? 11. Type y to respond to the prompt, and then follow the instructions on the screen to complete the flash update.
Note: Changes are made periodically to the IBM Web site. Procedures for locating firmware and documentation might vary slightly from what is described in this document. a. Go to
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POST banner. 10. As the server starts to diskette 1, the following message is displayed: This program will update the firmware on all IBM ServeRAID-8k controllers in the system. Do you want to continue. [Y,N]? 11. Type y to respond to the prompt, and then follow the instructions on the screen to complete the flash update.
Note: Changes are made periodically to the IBM Web site. Procedures for locating firmware and documentation might vary slightly from what is described in this document. a. Go to
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(see Figure 6). Note: The JP9 location is not labeled on the system board. Figure 6. ServeRAID-8k and ServeRAID-8k-l zero-mode flash jumper (JP9) (System x3500) Chapter 1. ServeRAID-8 series best practices and maintenance information...
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POST banner. 9. As the server starts to diskette 1, the following message is displayed: This program will update the firmware on all IBM ServeRAID-8k controllers in the system. Do you want to continue. [Y,N]? 10. Type y to respond to the prompt, and then follow the instructions on the screen to complete the flash update.
These modules are just one small part of the controller subsystem and do not typically change the behavior of the controller when they are replaced, except as specifically outlined in an IBM RETAIN tip. If a RAID issue occurs, be sure to perform the following problem determination tasks before any warranty actions: 1.
This does not mean that the data is good if the force online is successful. The following criteria must be true for the Force Online option to work: v The logical volume is offline. v All the members (physical disks) of the array are present. ServeRAID-8 Series: Best Practices and Maintenance Information...
If the array does not start compacting automatically, the controller might report the array as a Critical array with a substate as Expanded. Unfortunately, this combination of states is not valid. Typically, an array in this condition remains Chapter 1. ServeRAID-8 series best practices and maintenance information...
For more information, see the following RETAIN tips. System restarts or hangs: ServeRAID logical drive, array offline docdisplay?lndocid=MIGR-5070598&brandind=5000008 (Type 5070598 in the Search field at Intermittent system hangs with ServeRAID-8i docdisplay?lndocid=MIGR-63269&brandind=5000008 (Type 50763269 in the Search field at
For details about the tools and syntax for commands, see the IBM ServeRAID User Reference Guide (SRAID.PDF) on the IBM Web site. If a drive cannot complete these tests or fails, replace the drive according to your warranty terms and conditions.
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Hard disk drive firmware updates are downloadable from the IBM the change Web site. history Firmware updates can be applied to drives that are already marked Defunct.
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This way, if a follow-up service call is necessary, the service technician and administrators can determine the actions that are needed to solve the problem. Chapter 1. ServeRAID-8 series best practices and maintenance information...
Note: For more information if the logical drive is in a Critical state, see the section “Rebuilding a Defunct Drive” in the IBM ServeRAID User's Reference on the IBM ServeRAID Support CD. Critical Migrating A logical drive in a Critical state that is undergoing a logical-drive migration (LDM).
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When a force online operation is performed on an Offline state logical drive that has one defunct physical drive in its configuration. v One of the physical disks is marked defunct from an Okay (revived) state configuration. Chapter 1. ServeRAID-8 series best practices and maintenance information...
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Redundant RAID Level RAID 6 v One of the physical disks is marked Defunct from a Degraded (revived) state configuration. v Two physical disks are marked Defunct from an Okay (revived) state configuration. ServeRAID-8 Series: Best Practices and Maintenance Information...
To view the minimum number of drives required for recovering the data by using the force online option, see the table on page 116 in the IBM ServeRAID Use's Guide. In the table, the N refers to the number of physical drives removed from an Okay revived logical drive array.
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5. Enter the previous stripe size. 6. Select the previous cache policy. 7. In the Initialization method field, select Recover Data. 8. The Array Created through Recover Data option message is displayed after the array is created. ServeRAID-8 Series: Best Practices and Maintenance Information...
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Chapter 1. ServeRAID-8 series best practices and maintenance information...
4. Press Y to continue the force online operation. The Success in Force On-Line Process message is displayed after the array is created. The Failure in Force On-Line Process message is displayed if the array is not created. ServeRAID-8 Series: Best Practices and Maintenance Information...
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To force an Offline array to Online / Critical Revived by using the SRM GUI, complete the following steps: 1. Right click an Offline logical drive. 2. Select Force online. 3. A warning message is displayed, as shown in the following illustration. Chapter 1. ServeRAID-8 series best practices and maintenance information...
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This logical drive might contain corrupt data. Are you sure you want to force this logical drive online? Press y, then ENTER to continue or press ENTER to abort: ServeRAID-8 Series: Best Practices and Maintenance Information...
Revived. Invalid process In the Adaptec BIOS Utility or in the IBM ServeRAID Manager application, if you select an option that is not valid, an Invalid Process error message is displayed. For example, in the Adaptec BIOS Utility, if you select Manage Array, and then select an Offline array, a menu is displayed that enables you to select which array you want to be the bootable array.
After powering on or restarting the server, as the Adaptec BIOS information is displayed and power-on self-test (POST) is completed, the array name and status are displayed, as shown in the following illustration. ServeRAID-8 Series: Best Practices and Maintenance Information...
Revived array operations You can perform only certain operations on Revived logical drives. For example, in the following illustration showing the IBM ServeRAID Manager application, you can select only Delete logical drive or Identify logical drive. Arcconf Only a delete logical drive operation can be performed on a Revived logical drive. If...
Offline array operations You can perform only certain operations on Revived logical drives. For example, in the following illustration showing the IBM ServeRAID Manager application, you can select only Force online, Delete logical drive or Identify logical drive. Arcconf Only a delete logical drive or force online operation can be performed on an Offline drive.
If you need help, service, or technical assistance or just want more information about IBM products, you will find a wide variety of sources available from IBM to assist you. This section contains information about where to go for additional information about IBM and IBM products, what to do if you experience a problem with your system, and whom to call for service, if it is necessary.
You can find service information for IBM systems and optional devices at Software service and support Through IBM Support Line, you can get telephone assistance, for a fee, with usage, configuration, and software problems with System x and xSeries servers, BladeCenter products, IntelliStation workstations, and appliances. For information about which products are supported by Support Line in your country or region, see
The materials at those websites are not part of the materials for this IBM product, and use of those websites is at your own risk. IBM may use or distribute any of the information you supply in any way it believes appropriate without incurring any obligation to you.
IBM makes no representations or warranties with respect to non-IBM products. Support (if any) for the non-IBM products is provided by the third party, not IBM. Some software may differ from its retail version (if available), and may not include user manuals or all program functionality.
In the request, be sure to include the publication part number and title. When you send information to IBM, you grant IBM a nonexclusive right to use or distribute the information in any way it believes appropriate without incurring any obligation to you.
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ServeRAID-8 Series: Best Practices and Maintenance Information...
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ServeRAID-8k and ServeRAID-8k-l (BladeCenter Storage Expansion Unit 3) 14 for ServeRAID-8k and ServeRAID-8k-l (System x3500) 20 for ServeRAID-8k and ServeRAID-8k-l (System x3550) 18 for ServeRAID-8k and ServeRAID-8k-l (System x3650) 16 overview 11 ServeRAID-8 Series: Best Practices and Maintenance Information...
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