Release gantry master axis, 462
Replaceable geometry axes, 516, 528
Replaceable geometry axis, 493
Repos, 672
Reset, 545
Reset axis/spindle, 1059
Response to setpoint changes, 902
Restart, 85
Resume axis/spindle motion, 1059
Resynchronization, 891
Reversal points, 799
Axis, 94
Rotary axes, 839
Absolute programming, 847, 852
Activation, 855
Axis addresses, 840
Feedrate, 842
Incremental programming, 852, 854
Mirroring, 857
Modulo 360, 844
Modulo conversion, 847, 852
Operating range, 842
Positioning display, 842
Software limit switch, 857
Units of measurement, 841
Rotary axis, 839
Rotary indexing machine, 94
Rotational position, 492, 515
Runtime, 83
Sag compensation, 357, 373
Compensation values in grid structure, 367
Scratching, 602
SD41010, 284, 289, 299
SD41040, 931
SD41050, 282, 930
SD41100, 277, 291, 323, 772, 843, 932
SD41110, 277, 289, 320
SD41120, 277, 323
SD41130, 277, 289, 856
SD41200, 320
SD41300, 359, 361
SD41500, 694
SD41500 - 41507, 935
SD41501, 694
SD41502, 694
SD41503, 694
SD41504, 694
SD41505, 694
SD41506, 694
SD41507, 694
SD41520, 696, 703
SD41521, 696, 703
SD41522, 696
SD41523, 696
SD41524, 696
SD41525, 696
SD41526, 696, 703
SD41527, 696, 703
SD41600, 52
SD41700, 153, 154, 155
SD42100, 304, 793, 802
SD42101, 793, 802
SD42400, 718
SD42402, 712, 721
SD42404, 722
SD42600, 291, 772, 776, 932
SD43300, 291, 772, 776, 932
SD43400, 850
SD43410, 850
SD43600, 782, 783, 784
SD43610, 783
SD43770, 807
SD43790, 807
SD43900, 341
SD43910, 341, 345
SD43920, 341, 344
Second operator panel, 87
Control panel, 75
Secondary control panel, 79
Selecting reference systems, 552
Selection, 545
Selection and deselection, 530, 536
Selection of tool or cutting edge, 609
Separate following spindle interpolator, 865
Series machine start-up file, 915
Service case, 86
Service/commissioning, 81
Servo gain factor, 386
Set reversal point, 1063
Set-change criteria IPOBRKA
WAITMC occurs, 454
SETM, 451
Setpoint for analog NCK outputs, 1010
Setpoint for digital NCK outputs, 1009
Setpoints, 606
Settable block change time, 780
Function Manual, 01/2008, 6FC5397-1BP10-3BA0
Extended Functions