Logging setting
Schedule setting
Saved file setting
External storage setting Sets whether or not the saved file will be sent by E-mail or transfered.
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Select logging setting
No. and click on Load
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(2) Edit screen
Set the tag to be logged, execution timing, file capacity, etc.
[Setting screen]
[Setting Item]
Sets the tag to be logged, logging file name, and the location where the logging file will be
Sets the execution timing and conditions for start/stop.
Sets the file capacity, number of saved files, and operation performed when the number of
saved files exceeds the set value.
Saves the setting.
The settings are updated when the "Update" button on the Setting update screen is clicked, the
programmable controller is powered off and then on, or the CPU module is reset.
Discards the changed setting and returns to the Logging setting screen.
Loads the parameters of the No. selected in logging setting No. and displays on the Edit
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