Configuring SDM Templates
Command or Action
Step 4
Device(config)# end
Step 5
Device# reload
Monitoring and Maintaining SDM Templates
Verifying SDM Templates
Use the following commands to monitor and maintain SDM templates.
show sdm prefer
The SDM templates contain only those commands that are defined as part of the templates. If a template
enables another related command that is not defined in the template, then this other command will be visible
when the show running config command is entered. For example, if the SDM template enables the switchport
voice vlan command, then the spanning-tree portfast edge command may also be enabled (although it is
not defined on the SDM template).
If the SDM template is removed, then other such related commands are also removed and have to be
reconfigured explicitly.
Verifying Customizable SDM Templates
Use the following commands to verify the customizable SDM Template that will be applied.
System Management Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.8.x (Catalyst 9500 Switches)
Monitoring and Maintaining SDM Templates
The no sdm prefer command and a default
template is not supported.
Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Reloads the operating system.
After the system reboots, you can use the show sdm prefer
privileged EXEC command to verify the new template
configuration. If you enter the show sdm prefer command
before you enter the reload privileged EXEC command, the
show sdm prefer command shows the template currently
in use and the template that will become active after a
Displays the SDM template in use.