Beacon Interval
Enter a value between 1 and 65,535
milliseconds . The Beacon Interval value indicates the
frequency interval of the beacon . A beacon is a packet
broadcast by the Valet to synchronize the wireless
network .Thedefaultvalueis100 .
DTIM Interval
the interval of the Delivery Traffic Indication Message
(DTIM) . A DTIM field is a countdown field informing
clients of the next window for listening to broadcast
and multicast messages . When the Valet has buffered
sendsthenextDTIMwithaDTIMIntervalvalue .Itsclients
hear the beacons and awaken to receive the broadcast
andmulticastmessages .Thedefaultvalueis1 .
Fragmentation Threshold
maximum size for a packet before data is fragmented
into multiple packets . If you experience a high packet
error rate, you may slightly increase the Fragmentation
Threshold .SettingtheFragmentationThresholdtoolow
may result in poor network performance . Only minor
reductionofthedefaultvalueisrecommended .Inmost
cases,itshouldremainatitsdefaultvalueof2346 .
RTS Threshold
Should you encounter inconsistent
is recommended . If a network packet is smaller than
the preset RTS threshold size, the RTS/CTS mechanism
will not be enabled . The Valet sends Request to Send
(RTS) frames to a particular receiving station and
negotiates the sending of a data frame . After receiving
an RTS, the wireless station responds with a Clear to
Send (CTS) frame to acknowledge the right to begin
transmission .The RTSThreshold value should remain at
itsdefaultvalueof2347 .
ClickSave Settingstoapplyyourchanges,orclickCancel
Changestoclearyourchanges .
localnetwork .
This value specifies the
SPI Firewall Protection
keep the default selection, Enabled .To turn off firewall
protection,selectDisabled .
Filter Anonymous Internet Requests
makes it more difficult for outside users to work their
wayintoyournetwork .Thisfeatureisselected bydefault .
Deselect the feature to allow anonymous Internet
requests .
Filter Multicast
Multicasting allows for multiple
transmissions to specific recipients at the same time .
If multicasting is permitted, then the Valet will allow IP
multicast packets to be forwarded to the appropriate
computers . Select this feature to filter multicasting .This
featureisnotselectedbydefault .
Filter Internet NAT Redirection
forwarding to block access to local servers from local
networkedcomputers .SelectthisfeaturetofilterInternet
NATredirection .Itisnotselectedbydefault .
Filter IDENT (Port 113)
from being scanned by devices outside of your local
network .Thisfeatureisselectedbydefault .Deselectthis
featuretodisableit .
Use of WAN proxy servers may compromise the
Gateway's security . Denying Proxy will disable access to
anyWANproxyservers .Selectthisfeaturetoenableproxy
filtering .Deselectthefeaturetoallowproxyaccess .
Java is a programming language for websites . If
you deny Java, you run the risk of not having access to
Internetsitescreatedusingthisprogramminglanguage .
Select this feature to enable Java filtering . Deselect the
featuretoallowJavausage .
ActiveX is a programming language for
websites . If you deny ActiveX, you run the risk of not
having access to Internet sites created using this
programming language . Select this feature to enable
ActiveX filtering . Deselect the feature to allow ActiveX
usage .
A cookie is data stored on your computer and
usedbyInternetsiteswhenyouinteractwiththem .Select
thisfeaturetofiltercookies .Deselectthefeaturetoallow
cookieusage .
ClickSave Settingstoapplyyourchanges,orclickCancel
Changestoclearyourchanges .
To use firewall protection,
This feature
This feature uses port
This feature keeps port 113