■Logging data file name setting
The basic file name of the logging data file name is a sequential 8-digit hexadecimal number. The number is the number of
times the logging data was sent after the power of the FPGA module was turned on.
In addition to the basic file name, the date, time and character string can be appended. The file name can be specified
arbitrarily within a range of up to 64 characters (including extensions and periods) by combining this information. An
underscore (_) is added between each piece of information.
Any string of characters (ASC) can be added. However, \ / : * ? < > | " cannot be used.
Adds the date when the transfer started in YYYYMMDD format.
• YYYY: Year (4 digits)
• MM: Month (2 digits)
• DD: Day (2 digits)
Adds the time at the start of transfer in hhmmss format.
• hh: Hour (2 digits)
• mm: Minute (2 digits)
• ss: Second (2 digits)
The extension is added according to the file saving format of the logging data.
• Binary format: bin
• CSV format: csv
File name when saving in binary format with character string (sample), date and time added
Operating procedure
Set whether to add the date, time, and character string to file name in "Logging data file name setting".
Set the character string to be added to the logging data file in "Logging data file character setting".
This setting is ignored if the current setting does not specify addition of a character string to the logging data file.
A logging data file name (no extension).tmp is generated as a temporary file while the logging data file is being
transferred. When transfer of the logging data is completed, the temporary file is deleted and a file with the
name set in the logging data file name setting is generated.
• During FTP transfer, if there is a file with the same file name as the file being transferred in the FTP server, the existing file
is deleted and the logging data file transferred by FTP is created.
• If a cable disconnection or FTP server power failure occurs during file transfer, delete the logging data file name (extension
None).tmp of the unnecessary temporary file left in the FTP server as necessary, and transfer the file again.
12.8 FTP Client Function