Chapter 5
SONET Topologies
Figure 5-37 A UPSR displayed in network view
Procedure: Convert a Linear ADM to a BLSR
The following procedures describe how to convert a three-node linear ADM to a BLSR. You will need
a SONET test set to monitor traffic while you perform these procedures.
This procedure is service affecting.
Always wear an authorized electrostatic discharge wrist band when removing or installing ONS
15454 cards.
Start CTC and log into one of the nodes that you want to convert from linear to ring.
Step 1
Click the Maintenance > Protection tabs.
Step 2
Step 3
Under Protection Groups, select the 1+1 protection group (that is, the group supporting the 1+1 span
Under Selected Group, verify that the working slot/port is shown as "Working/Active." If yes, go to Step
Step 4
5. If the working slot says "Working/Standby" and the protect slot says "Protect/Active," switch traffic
to the working slot:
November 2001
Under Selected Group, select the protect slot, that is, the slot that says "Protect/Active."
From the Switch Commands, select Manual.
Click Yes on the confirmation dialog box.
Cisco ONS 15454 Installation and Operations Guide
Linear ADM Configurations