Suppressing Alarms
10.4 Suppressing Alarms
Suppressing alarms causes alarms to appear under the Conditions tab instead of the Alarms tab. It
prevents alarms from appearing on CTC Alarm or History tabs or in any other clients. The suppressed
alarms behave like conditions, which have their own non-reporting (NR) severities. Under the
Conditions tab, the suppressed alarms appear with their alarm severity, color code, and service-affecting
Use alarm suppression with caution. If multiple CTC/TL1 sessions are open, you will suppress the
alarms in all other open sessions.
Procedure: Suppressing Alarms
Step 1
At either the card view or node view, click the Provisioning > Alarm Behavior tabs.
At the card level, you can suppress alarms on a port-by-port basis. At the node level, you can suppress
alarms on a card-by-card basis or the entire node.
Check the Suppress Alarms box for the card or port you want to suppress.
Step 2
Suppress Alarms box.
Figure 10-10 The suppress alarms checkbox
Click the Apply button.
Step 3
The node sends out autonomous messages to clear any raised alarms.
Cisco ONS 15454 Installation and Operations Guide
Chapter 10
Alarm Monitoring and Management
Figure 10-10 shows the
November 2001