Chapter 8
Configuring IP Routing and DHCP Services
To disable split horizon, enter the following command:
Step 2
hostname(config-if)# no split-horizon eigrp as-number
Changing the Interface Delay Value
The interface delay value is used in EIGRP distance calculations. You can modify this value on a
per-interface basis.
To change the delay value, perform the following steps:
Enter interface configuration mode for the interface on which you are changing the delay value used by
Step 1
EIGRP by entering the following command:
hostname(config)# interface phy_if
To change the delay value, enter the following command:
Step 2
hostname(config-if)# delay value
The value entered is in tens of microseconds. So, to set the delay for 2000 microseconds, you would enter
a value of 200.
(Optional) To view the delay value assigned to an interface, use the show interface command.
Step 3
Monitoring EIGRP
You can use the following commands to monitor the EIGRP routing process. For examples and
descriptions of the command output, see the Catalyst 6500 Series Switch and Cisco 7600 Series Router
Firewall Services Module Command Reference.
Catalyst 6500 Series Switch and Cisco 7600 Series Router Firewall Services Module Configuration Guide using ASDM
To display the EIGRP event log, enter the following command:
hostname# show eigrp [as-number] events [{start end} | type]
To display the interfaces participating in EIGRP routing, enter the following command:
hostname# show eigrp [as-number] interfaces [if-name] [detail]
To display the EIGRP neighbor table, enter the following command:
hostname# show eigrp [as-number] neighbors [detail | static] [if-name]
To display the EIGRP topology table, enter the following command:
hostname# show eigrp [as-number] topology [ip-addr [mask] | active | all-links |
pending | summary | zero-successors]
To display EIGRP traffic statistics, enter the following command:
hostname# show eigrp [as-number] traffic
Configuring EIGRP