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Cisco MGX 8220 Installation And Configuration Manual page 145

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Possible errors are
Resilient Link—Maximum number of T1/E1 links within the AIM group that can go down and the AIM
group will still remain active.
In the following example, the number of resilient link is changed to 2 and the differential delay to
100 ms. Enter the following command:
cnfaimgrp 1 100 2
Display the AIM Group
The command is dspaimgrp group number.
AXIS18.1.13.IMATM.a > dspaimgrp 1
Sample Display
Explanation of some of the parameters:
Local AIMUX ID—Indicates the IMA-ID in use at the local end.
Used in AIM state machine to communicate with the other side entity.
Remote AIMUX ID—Indicates the IMA-ID in use at the remote end.
Observed Diff delay—The observed differential delay is between the two different physical links in the
IMA group.
Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, November 2003
IMA group is not yet enabled
One of the parameters is invalid
IMA Group number
Port type
Lines configured
IMA Group state
Port Speed (cells/sec)
LcpDelayTolerance (IMA frames)
MaxTolerableDiffDelay (msec)
Lines Present
Remote IMA id
Local IMA id
Observed Diff delay (msec)
Syntax : dspimagrp (or dspaimgrp) "imagroup_number"
IMA group number -- value ranging from 1 to 8
: 1
: 1.2.3
: Modify
: Active
: 13476
: 128
: 1
: 4
: 2
: 100
: 1.2.3
: 0x33
: 0x33
: 0
Cisco MGX 8220 Installation and Configuration
Configuring the Clock Source
/* Resilient links */
/* Diff delay tolerable */
/* The aim group is
in loopback, and hence
local/remote id is same. */


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