Configuring the Content Switching Module
To configure DFP, perform this task:
Step 1
Router(config)# ip slb dfp [password
Step 2
Router(config-slb-dfp)# agent ip-address port
[activity-timeout | retry-count |
Step 3
Router# show ip slb dfp [weights | agent
ip-address port | detail]
A DFP agent may be on any host machine. A DFP agent is independent of the IP addresses and port
numbers of the real servers that are managed by the agent.
This example shows how to configure the dynamic feedback protocol without a password or agent:
Router(config)# ip slb dfp password password
Router(config-slb-dfp)# agent 5 6 10 20
Router(config-slb-dfp)# exit
Configuring Redirect Virtual Servers
The redirect-vserver command is a server farm submode command that allows you to configure virtual
servers dedicated to real servers. This mapping provides connection persistence for clients to real servers
across TCP sessions.
To configure redirect virtual servers, perform this task:
Step 1
redirect-vserver name
Step 2
Router(config-slb-redirect-v)# webhost
relocation relocation string
Step 3
Router(config-redirect-v)# webhost backup
backup string
Step 4
Router(config-redirect-v)# virtual
v_ipaddress tcp port
Catalyst 6000 Family Content Switching Module Installation and Configuration Note
Enter the exit command to leave a mode or submode. Enter the end command to return to the menu's top level.
The no form of this command restores the defaults.
Configure DFP manager, supply an optional
password, and enter the DFP agent submode
Configure time intervals between keepalive
messages, number of consecutive connection
attempts or invalid DFP reports, and the interval
between connection attempts
Display DFP manager and agent information.
Configure virtual servers dedicated to real servers
and enter the redirect server submode
Configure the relocation string to be sent in response
to HTTP requests to the host name. Only the
beginning of the relocation string can be specified.
The remaining portion is taken from the original
HTTP request
Configure the relocation string sent in response to
HTTP requests in the event that the redirect server is
out of service. Only the beginning of the relocation
string can be specified. The remaining portion is
taken from the original HTTP request
Configure the redirect virtual server IP address and
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