DHCP-based Enhanced Wireless Access Gateway Configuration
D-eWAG-related statistics or
To view thresholding related
To view alarm related information.
To view SNMP event statistics.
To view counters for configured
RADIUS servers.
For Local Traffic Breakout support.
To view ECS Stateful Firewall
For Local Traffic Breakout support.
To view session information for
sessions with NAT required or not
For Local Traffic Breakout support.
To view information for subscribes
with NAT enabled or disabled.
For Local Traffic Breakout support.
To view ALG statistics.
To view GTPP statistics.
CLI command to use
show threshold
show alarm all
show snmp trap statistics
show radius counters all
show active-charging firewall statistics { acsmgr instance
<instance_number> | callid <call_id> | domain-name <domain_name>|
protocol <protocol>| nat-realm <realm_name> | username <user_name>}
[ debug-info | verbose ]
show active-charging sessions nat { required [ nat-realm
<realm_name> ] | not-required }
show subscribers nat { required [ nat-realm <realm_name> ] [ nat-ip
<ip_address> ] | not-required }
show active-charging analyzer statistics name <analyzer_name>
show gtpp statistics
Cisco ASR 5000 Enhanced Wireless Access Gateway Administration Guide ▄
D-eWAG Administration ▀