806f0a13-0302xxxx • 81010202-0701xxxx
A Fatal Bus Error has occurred on system [ComputerSystemElementName]. (CPU 2 PECI)
Explanation: This message is for the use case when an implementation has detected a Bus Fatal Error.
May also be shown as 806f0a130302xxxx or 0x806f0a130302xxxx
Severity: Error
Alert Category: Critical - Other
Serviceable: Yes
CIM Information: Prefix: PLAT and ID: 0244
SNMP Trap ID: 50
Automatically notify Support: No
User response:
Reseat the microprocessor, and then restart the server.
Replace microprocessor n. (n = microprocessor number)
Numeric sensor [NumericSensorElementName] going low (lower non-critical) has deasserted.
(CMOS Battery)
Explanation: This message is for the use case when an implementation has detected a Lower Non-critical sensor
going low has deasserted.
May also be shown as 810100020701xxxx or 0x810100020701xxxx
Severity: Info
Alert Category: Warning - Voltage
Serviceable: No
CIM Information: Prefix: PLAT and ID: 0477
SNMP Trap ID: 13
Automatically notify Support: No
User response: No action; information only.
Numeric sensor [NumericSensorElementName] going low (lower critical) has deasserted.
(CMOS Battery)
Explanation: This message is for the use case when an implementation has detected a Lower Critical sensor going
low has deasserted.
May also be shown as 810102020701xxxx or 0x810102020701xxxx
Severity: Info
Alert Category: Critical - Voltage
Serviceable: No
CIM Information: Prefix: PLAT and ID: 0481
SNMP Trap ID: 1
Automatically notify Support: No
User response: No action; information only. SysBrd 12V : SysBrd 3.3V : SysBrd 5V :
IBM System x3550 M4 Type 7914: Installation and Service Guide