A-roll edit
Chroma key
An edit using one player and one
Key effect in which a particular
recorder for basic cut editing.
color (usually a highly saturated
blue) is used to cut holes in a
A/B roll edit
background picture.
An edit using two players and one
recorder, to permit special effects
Color bar
such as mix and wipe.
A test signal displayed on a
monitor screen as vertical stripes
B–Y signal
of different colors, used to adjust
A color difference signal. The blue
hue and saturation.
signal minus the Y signal.
Color matte
Background picture
An internally generated color
In animation effects, the picture
signal with adjustable hue,
into which the foreground picture
saturation, and luminance.
is inserted. In transition effects, the
picture that is replaced as the effect
Component signal
progresses (FROM picture). The
Video signal containing separate
picture selected with the
luminance (Y) and color difference
BACKGROUND bus buttons.
(R–Y, B–Y) video components.
Background through mode
Composite signal
In the DFS-700/700P, an output
Video signal containing video,
mode in which the video input of
color burst, and sync signals.
the background bus and the video
input of the foreground bus are
mixed for output. Normally the
An electronic switch where video
signal lines cross. When the switch
two pictures are delayed by 1
frame, but in pre-read editing the
is closed, usually by pressing a
background bus picture is delayed
button, multiple input signals and
by 4 lines. Pre-read editing is
one or more output signals are
allowed to pass.
enabled by inserting the input of
the background bus into the output
of the recorder VTR. In this state,
An instantaneous switch from one
the foreground bus input delay
becomes 1 frame + 4 lines.
picture to another, or the
Therefore, the VTR output that is
instantaneous insertion or deletion
of a key signal.
inserted into the foreground bus
must be read ahead by 1 frame.
Downstream key (DSK)
Effect used to superimpose
Black burst
characters or graphics over output
A sync signal composed of
composite sync and burst signals.
signals. Called downstream key
because superimposing takes place
in the final stages of processing
An internal signal path. Signals
after other effects have been
selected for input to the bus are
applied. Requires a key source
signal to define the outlines of the
passed on to the next process.
characters or graphics, and a key
fill signal to fill the outlines. See
In colors, hue and saturation.
also "title key".
Editing control unit
Key clip
A video editor with functions for
In luminance keys, to specify a
remote control of VTRs, video
reference luminance level. The
switchers, audio switchers, and
part of the signal above the
other video editing equipment.
reference level is used as the key
source signal. See also "key
In the NTSC color television
system, 262.5 horizontal scanning
Key fill
lines. Odd lines are scanned for the
A signal used to fill the hole cut
first field before returning to the
with the key source signal.
top of the screen to scan even
lines. A frame is composed of two
Key frame
fields: the odd and even fields.
User program effect data which
defines the effect at a specific
Foreground picture
point. User program effects are
In animation effects, the picture
made up of sequentially executed
inserted into the background
key frames.
picture. In transition effects, the
picture left on the screen after the
Key gain
effect finishes (TO picture). The
The sensitivity of circuits, which
picture selected with the
can be adjusted with the switcher's
FOREGROUND bus buttons.
key gain control. This is done to
obtain the desired blurring of key
Two fields, containing all the
information in a complete picture.
Key invert
In luminance key, to reverse the
Frame synchronizer
polarity of a key source signal so
A device used to bring the timing
that the hole is cut with the darker
of unsynchronized video into
part of the signal.
conformance with a local reference
Key mask
To hide part of a title key or
downstream key signal so that only
To synchronize output signals to
the desired part is used.
an external sync signal.
Key source
A signal used to cut a hole in a
Abbreviation of general purpose
background picture for insertion of
interface. An interface used to
a key fill signal.
carry out remote control from
editing control units lacking a
Luminance key
formal interface.
Key effect in which a luminance
signal is used to define the outlines
of characters or graphics.
The attribute of colors that allows
Luminance signal
them to be classified as red, green,
blue, and so on. Red and pink have
The part of a video signal that
the same hue, but different
carries brightness information.
Also called the Y signal.
Effect in which one signal fades in
Data containing the settings of
specific controls on the control
while another fades out. Also
called dissolve.
panel. Snapshots can be saved and
recalled to restore the control panel
Pre-read editing
to a desired state.
A/B roll editing using the output
(playback) of the recorder VTR
Subcarrier (SC)
and a player VTR.
The part of a video signal that
carries color information. The
amplitude represents saturation,
Running a videotape a certain
and the relative phase against the
distance before the edit IN point in
color burst signal represents hue.
order to bring the tape to a steady
Also called the color subcarrier.
speed and synchronize it with
Title key
other tapes.
Effect used to superimpose
foreground characters or graphics
Running a videotape a certain
on a background. Requires a key
distance past the edit OUT point in
source signal to define the outlines
order to monitor the video that
of the characters or graphics, and a
key fill signal to fill the outlines.
See also "downstream key".
R–Y signal
A color difference signal. The red
signal minus the Y signal.
A period during which one picture
is replaced by another, or a period
RGB signal
during which a key is inserted or
A signal format in which red,
green, and blue signals are
transmitted separately. A separate
sync signal may be sent, or the
A transition effect in which one
sync signal can be added to the
picture moves in to replace
green signal. The DFS-700/700P
another. Often the new picture
uses the latter method.
appears as a geometrical shape
such as a circle or star.
The extent to which a color has
YUV signal
been diluted by white. Pure red is
An analog component signal,
fully saturated, while pink is
consisting of a luminance (Y)
signal, a color difference signal U
(B–Y) and a color difference signal
V (R–Y).
A serial component digital signal.
S-video signal
A video signal with separate
luminance (Y) and chrominance
(C) components. As opposed to
composite video, S-video provides
higher quality by eliminating
interference between the Y and C