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Turnkey And Component Systems - Cisco Unity Installation Manual

Cisco unity server installation guide
Table of Contents


Turnkey and
Unity can be purchased as a turnkey system or as a component
system. Your installation tasks depend on the configuration and
the type of system you are installing.
Turnkey system
A turnkey system comes with all voice and fax boards, Windows
NT Server, Exchange Server, and Unity already installed.
When Windows NT was installed, the Unity server was config-
ured as a Windows NT primary domain controller (PDC). Set up
this way, the Unity server can work either as a stand-alone voice
messaging server or as a unified messaging server that provides
voice, e-mail, and fax messages in the site.
A Unity turnkey system is shipped with the following settings:
Windows NT server name
Windows NT domain name
Exchange site name
Exchange organization name
Depending on the Unity configuration, you may need to reinstall
Windows NT, Exchange, and Unity.
A Windows NT member server
because the type of server—PDC or member server—can be spec-
ified only when Windows NT is installed.
A PDC in an existing Exchange site
and Unity because the site name can be specified only at the
time that Exchange is installed. To avoid possible problems with
uninstalling and then reinstalling Exchange, we recommend that
you reinstall all software.
NOTE: Microsoft Exchange Move Server wizard does not move
Unity's custom elements, such as call handlers and interview
handlers, and is not supported.
A PDC in a new Exchange site
ware unless you want to change any of the settings listed in the
table above.
You must reinstall all software
You must reinstall Exchange
You do not need to reinstall soft-


Table of Contents

Table of Contents