The default name is in the format "ScannerName_Model_SN_XXXXXXXXXX" If you have more than one scanner linked to a
host and they all have the same name, the first scanner linked to the host receives commands. When renaming a series of
scanners with identical names, unlink all except one of the scanners from the host.
Perform the rename operation using either the bar codes on
Name:BT_NAMNewName. where ScannerName is the current name of the scanner, and NewName is the new name for the
scanner. If you wish to change the names of additional scanners, link them one at a time and repeat the :ScannerName:BT_N-
AMNewName. command for each scanner.
To rename scanners with sequential, numeric names, scan the bar codes below. Scan the Reset code after each name change
and wait for the scanner to relink to the host before scanning a bar code to rename the next scanner.
You may also scan the Scanner Name bar code below and scan a number for the scanner name. For example, if you wanted to
name the linked scanner "312," you would scan the bar code below, scan the 3, 1, and 2 bar codes on the
inside the back cover of this manual, then scan Save. Scan the Reset bar code and wait for the scanner to relink to the host.
3-11, or by sending the serial command :Scanner-
Scanner Name
Programming Chart
3 - 11