Page 4
Ver. 1.0 are shown in blue. 1-5. METHOD OF EXCHANGING SI SCREEN AND FOCUSING SCREEN The focusing screen of the DSLR-A700 is available with two types, standard and M type. If the type was changed due to the replacement of focusing screen, the setting must be changed according to the type.
Page 5
ENGLISH JAPANESE ENGLISH JAPANESE 1. SERVICE NOTE 1-1. 各種薬品の取り扱いについて 現在使用されている薬品の中には揮発性の高い薬品もあります。 それらを不用意に取り扱い蒸発させてしまうと,環境や健康へ影響を与えたり,資源の無駄使いになります。 各種薬品は,下記の点に注意して取り扱ってください。 ・ 保管場所を定め,高温になったり直射日光の当たらない場所に密閉して保管してください。 ・ 小分け(ハンドラップ等)する数は必要最小限に留め,容器による自然蒸発を防いでください。 ・ 作業に使用しない時は,必ずキャップ等をして自然蒸発を防いでください。 ・ 薬品を使用する回数を極力少なくし,使用する場合は使用する量だけ容器より出して受け皿に残さないようにしてくだ さい。 1-2. 樹脂系部品の取り扱いについて 本機に使用されている樹脂系の部品は,下記の点に注意して取り扱ってください。 ・ 清掃には薬品を使用せず,清掃紙や清掃布を使用してください。 やむを得ず汚れがひどくて薬品を使用する場合は,シンナー,ケトン,エーテルは使用しないでください。 ・ 各部品の取り付けには指定されたねじを使用し,部品に対して垂直に取り付けてください。 また,ねじを締め付ける時は,無理な力を加えないでください。 1-3. 無鉛半田について 本機には無鉛半田が使用されています。 無鉛半田を使用している基板には,無鉛(Lead Free)を意味するレッドフリーマークがプリントされています。 (注意:基板サイズによっては,無鉛半田を使用していてもレッドフリーマークがプリントされていないものがあります) :レッドフリーマーク 無鉛半田は,下記の点に注意して使用してください。 ・ 半田こてのこて先温度は約350℃に設定してください。 温度調節が無理な場合は,高温短時間で作業を行ってください。...
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ENGLISH JAPANESE ENGLISH JAPANESE 1-4. SAFETY CHECK-OUT サービス,点検時には次のことにご注意ください。 注意事項をお守りください。 サービスのとき特に注意を要する個所については,キャビネット,シャーシ,部品などにラベルや捺印で注意事項を表 示しています。これらの注意書き及び取扱説明書等の注意事項を必ずお守りください。 指定部品のご使用を セットの部品は難燃性や耐電圧など安全上の特性を持ったものとなっています。 従って交換部品は,使用されていたものと同じ特性の部品を使用してください。 特に回路図,部品表に0印で指定されている安全上重要な部品は必ず指定のものをご使用ください。 部品の取付けや配線の引きまわしはもとどおりに 安全上,チューブやテープなどの絶縁材料を使用したり,プリント基板から浮かして取付けた部品があります。 また内部配線は引きまわしやクランパによって発熱部品や高圧部品に接近しないよう配慮されていますので,これらは 必ずもとどおりにしてください。 サービス後は安全点検を サービスのために取外したネジ,部品,配線がもとどおりになっているか,またサービスした個所の周辺を劣化させて しまったところがないかなどを点検し,安全性が確保されていることを確認してください。 チップ部品交換時の注意 ・取り外した部品は再使用しないでください。 ・タンタルコンデンサのマイナス側は熱に弱いため交換時は注意してください。 フレキシブルプリント基板の取扱いについて ・こて先温度を270℃前後にして行なってください。 ・同一パターンに何度もコテ先を当てないでください。(3回以内) ・パターンに力が加わらないよう注意してください。 注意 電池の交換は,正しく行わないと破裂する恐れがあり ます。電池を交換する場合には必ず同じ型名の電池 又は同等品と交換してください。 DSLR-A700_L2...
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Ver. 1.1 2007.10 Ver. 1.0からの変更部分は ENGLISH JAPANESE ENGLISH JAPANESE 青色で記載されています。 1-5. SIスクリーン,焦点板の交換方法 DSLR-A700の焦点板は,標準とM型の2タイプがあります。 焦点板交換でタイプを変更した場合は,それぞれのタイプに 応じた設定に調整する必要があります。 調整項目:「Focusing Screen Type Select」 3 焦点板とVBワッシャを外す。 1 A部を下に押してつめ2箇所を外し, 矢印方向に焦点板押えSPを外す。 VBワッシャ つめ つめ 焦点板 焦点板押えSP 2 焦点板押えSPを外す。 焦点板押えSP 4 SIスクリーンを外す。 SIスクリーン つめ 注意 : SIス ク リ ーン交換時は, SIス ク リ ーンに埃や...
2. DISASSEMBLY NOTE FOR REPAIR • Make sure that the flat cable and flexible board are not cracked of bent at the terminal. Cut and remove the part of gilt Do not insert the cable insufficiently nor crookedly. which comes off at the point. (Be careful or some •...
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HELP HELP 2-2. DISASSEMBLY EXPLODED VIEW HARDWARE LIST 2-2-1. OVERALL SECTION-1 Follow the disassembly in the numerical order given. 1 Rear Cover (1-1 to 1-8) 2 Side Cover (2-1 to 2-2) 1 Rear Cover (See Page 2-4) 1-7 (#94) 1-5 (#12) Overall Section-2 (See Page 2-5) 1-6 (#12)
2-2-2. REAR COVER SECTION EXPLODED VIEW HARDWARE LIST Follow the disassembly in the numerical order given. 1 IO-081 Board (1-1 to 1-8) 2 Control Switch Block (JY62300) (2-1 to 2-6) Note: On installation of the diopter adjust dial, adjust the position of lever of JY62300 and the metering mode lever.
Page 12
2-2-3. OVERALL SECTION-2 EXPLODED VIEW HARDWARE LIST Follow the disassembly in the numerical order given. 1 Front Cover (1-1 to 1-6) 2 Top Cover (2-1 to 2-9) Note: On installation of the diopter adjust dial, match the position of the convex part in two places. Diopter Adjust Dial (Back Side) Note: High-voltage cautions...
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2-2-4. FRONT COVER SECTION EXPLODED VIEW HARDWARE LIST Follow the disassembly in the numerical order given. 1 Control Switch Block (FS62300) (1-1 to 1-6) 1 Control Switch Block (FS62300) HELP 5 1-3 (#5) 1-4 (#94) HELP 5 (#94) Note: On installation of the diopter adjust dial, adjust the position of lever of FS62300 and the focus mode lever.
2-2-5. TOP COVER SECTION-1 EXPLODED VIEW HARDWARE LIST Follow the disassembly in the numerical order given. 1 Control Switch Block (RL62300) (1-1 to 1-7) 2 Control Switch Block (TK62300) (2-1 to 2-4) 3 Control Switch Block (MD62300) (3-1 to 3-4) Note: On installation of the mode dial, set "M"...
2-2-6. TOP COVER SECTION-2 EXPLODED VIEW HARDWARE LIST Follow the disassembly in the numerical order given. 1 Flash Unit (1-1 to 1-5) 2 TOP-003 Flexible Board (2-1 to 2-7) 1 Flash Unit HELP 9 1-4 (#12) HELP 8 HELP 7 (Solder) HELP 6 2-3 (#10)
2-2-7. HALF BODY SECTION (AM BOARD) EXPLODED VIEW HARDWARE LIST Follow the disassembly in the numerical order given. 1 AM-012 Board (1-1 to 1-27) 1-3 (#94) HELP 12 Half Body Section 1-4 (#12) 1 AM-012 Board (#12) (MA Flexible Board) (See Page 2-10) 1-25 (Open) Note: When media lid is shut, the switch...
2-2-8. HALF BODY SECTION EXPLODED VIEW HARDWARE LIST (MA FLEXIBLE BOARD) Follow the disassembly in the numerical order given. 1 MA-448 Flexible Board (1-1 to 1-17) HELP 15 HELP 15 HELP 16 1 MA-448 Flexible Board HELP 18 1-17 (#12) 1-12 Half Body Section (DD Board) (See Page 2-11)
2-2-9. HALF BODY SECTION (DD BOARD) EXPLODED VIEW HARDWARE LIST Follow the disassembly in the numerical order given. 1 Eye Piece Frame Unit (1-1 to 1-2) 2 AF Assist Light Block (2-1) 3 DD-280 Board (3-1 to 3-4) 3-2 (#85) 3-3 (#5) 3 DD-280 Board 2-1 (#12)
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2-2-10. HALF BODY SECTION (ST/MM BOARD) EXPLODED VIEW HARDWARE LIST Follow the disassembly in the numerical order given. 1 MM-067 Board (1-1 to 1-9) 2 ST-173 Board (2-1 to 2-3) 3 GY-003 Flexible Board (3-1) 3 GY-003 Flexible Board 1 MM-067 Board 1-8 (#85) 1-7 (#12) Half Body Section...
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2-2-11. HALF BODY SECTION (BT HOLDER) EXPLODED VIEW HARDWARE LIST Follow the disassembly in the numerical order given. 1 Battery Holder (1-1) 2 Tebure Unit (2-1 to 2-5) 3 Shutter (3-1) HELP 22 1 Battery Holder 2 Tebure Unit Refer to page 2-18 "2-3. IMAGER INCLINATION ADJUSTMENT"...
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2-2-12. HALF BODY SECTION (AF MODULE) EXPLODED VIEW HARDWARE LIST Follow the disassembly in the numerical order given. 1 AF Module (1-1 to 1-3) 2 Front Frame (2-1 to 2-3) 3 Jack Holder (3-1 to 3-6) 2-1 (#5) Mirror Box Section 2-3 (#12) (Penta Unit) (See Page 2-15)
Page 22
2-2-13. MIRROR BOX SECTION (PENTA UNIT) EXPLODED VIEW HARDWARE LIST Follow the disassembly in the numerical order given. 1 Penta Unit (1-1 to 1-3) 1 Penta Unit 1-3 (#74) Refer to page 1-2 "1-5. METHOD OF EXCHANGING SI SCREEN AND FOCUSING SCREEN"...
Page 23
2-2-14. MIRROR BOX SECTION (SUB UNIT-1) EXPLODED VIEW HARDWARE LIST Follow the disassembly in the numerical order given. 1 Iris Ring (1-1 to 1-9) 2 Aperture Unit (2-1 to 2-5) 3 AF Driving Unit (3-1 to 3-9) 2 Aperture Unit Refer to page 2-20 "2-6.
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2-2-15. MIRROR BOX SECTION (SUB UNIT-2) EXPLODED VIEW HARDWARE LIST Follow the disassembly in the numerical order given. 1 Charge Base Plate A Unit (1-1 to 1-11) 2 Shutter Charge Lever (2-1 to 2-12) 2-12 Refer to page 2-22 "2-9. LEVERS AND GEARS INSTALLATION"...
Page 25
2-3. IMAGER INCLINATION ADJUSTMENT Checking Method Use the copy stand or place a mirror on the wall, and adjust the accuracy so that the camera is opposed to the mirror. Use the AE master lens as an inspection lens. Obtain the inclination angle with the Photoshop, and perform as follows according to the angle: •...
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2-4. SHUTTER INSTALLATION Follow the assembly in the numerical order given. 1 Shutter Shock Absorbing Ring Shutter 2 Raise Main Mirror up. Mirror Charge Lever Up 3 Rotate Idle Gear Don't damage Idle Gear. Shutter Charge Lever Down Boss 4 Shutter 5 Shutter Flexible Board DSLR-A700_L2...
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2-5. IRIS RING REMOVAL/INSTALLATION Removal Rotate the iris ring clockwise, and remove it at the stop position (iris-in end). At this time, do not rotate the iris joint gear of the Aperture Unit. Installation With the Aperture Unit set in the charge position (see "2-7. Aperture Unit Charge Position Setting" ), install it on the front frame set.
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2-8. APERTURE UNIT FREE POSITION SETTING Set the Aperture Unit to a free position once, if the gear was rotated accidentally and the charge position is disordered, or if the charge position was shifted during disassembly. In a free state, the edge of this spring In a free state, a hole in the gear almost will move up and down about 1 mm if coincides with a hole in the Aperture Unit.
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2-9. LEVER AND GEARS INSTALLATION Follow the assembly in the numerical order given. 2-9-1. MIRROR CHARGE/SHUTTER CHARGE LEVERS INSTALLATION - Levers Position - 1 Mirror Charge Lever Assy Mirror Charge Lever Assy 4 Screw (#93) 3 Charge Base Plate C Assy Main Mirror Holder Boss 2 Shutter Charge...
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2-9-3. CHARGE BASE PLATE B INSTALLATION 1 Charge Base Plate B Assy 2 Screw (#93) Hole Hole 2-9-4. MIRROR DRIVING (SP) INSTALLATION 3 Screw (#93) - Spring Position - 2 Mirror Driving (SP) Retainer Mirror Charge Cam Gear 1 Mirror Driving (SP) Mirror Driving (SP)
Page 31
2-10.GREASE APPLICATION AREA Grease uses G-85 (J-6082-626-A). Ring (SP) Ring Roller (C) Shaft Grease Grease Shutter Cam Gear Assy Mirror Charge Cam Gear Grease Grease Front Frame Assy Grease Grease Grease Grease Grease DSLR-A700_L2 2-24...
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2-11.CLEANING PROCEDURE OF OLPF <Preparation> Make it to Cleaning Mode of Power On/Set Up Menu by using the AC power supply. (It comes to Mirror Up/Shutter Open) Note: Use the AC power supply absolutely. <Cleaning Method> Soak a small amount of EE3310 (Liquid cleaner) after wrapping the cleaning cloth (J-6082-636-A) around the cleaning jig (J-6082-635-A).
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HELP Sheet attachment positions and procedures of processing the flexible boards/harnesses are shown. HELP 1: HELP 3: IO Guard Sheet LCD/Back Light/CD Insulating Sheet IO-081 Board - Side B - - Side A - LCD Flexible Board Solder CD Insulating Sheet Back Light Flexible Board HELP 4: MC Insulating Sheet...
Page 34
HELP 5: HELP 8: Tape (ASCD) Tape (ASCD) Tape (ASCD) Boss Tape (ASCD) Tape (ASCD) Tape (ASCD) Tape (ASCD) HELP 6: Tape (ASCD)/TK62300/RL Fixed Tape Tape (ASCD) Flash Boss Harness RL Fixed Tape HELP 9: Flash Unit Guide Flash Harness Flash Unit TK62300 Tape (ASCD)
Page 35
HELP 11: HELP 13: TOP-003 Flexible Board Tape (ASCD)/Motor Harness Motor Harness TOP-003 Flexible Board Tape (ASCD) HELP 12: HELP 14: Label (AM) Shutter Flexible Holder - Bottom View - Shutter Flexible Holder - Rear View - Label (AM) Bottom Frame Shutter Flexible Holder DSLR-A700_L2...
Page 36
HELP 15: Tape (ASCD)/DC Harness GP-021 Flexible Board Tape (ASCD) DC Harness Tape (ASCD) HELP 16: HELP 18: PT Insulating Sheet MA-448 Flexible Board PT Insulating Sheet MA-448 Flexible Board HELP 17: HELP 19: GY-003 Flexible Board Bottom Frame IFL Flexible Board GY-003 Flexible Board Bottom Frame DD Plate...
Page 37
HELP 20: HELP 23: MMGND Plate A Battery Lid (SP) MMGND Plate A Boss Boss Battery Lid (SP) HELP 21: RM Guard Sheet RM Guard Sheet HELP 24: CDGND Plate A/B Boss Boss CDGND Plate A CDGND Plate B HELP 25: IS Flexible Unit IS Flexible Unit HELP 22:...
Page 38
HELP 26: HELP 29: RM-095 Flexible Board Coupler Lever Tension SP DC Jack Harness Coupler Lever Tension SP RM-095 Flexible Board Coupler Joint Lever DC Jack Harness HELP 27: Penta Unit HELP 30: AF Driving Unit Flexible Borad Boss AF Driving Unit Flexible Borad Charge Base Plate B Unit Flexible Borad...
Page 40
3. BLOCK DIAGRAMS 3-1. OVERALL BLOCK DIAGRAM (1/6) ( ) : Number in parenthesis ( ) indicates the division number of schematic diagram where the component is located. IS-017 BOARD IS-016 AM-012 BOARD (1/6) FP-695 IO-081 FLEXIBLE FLEXIBLE BOARD BOARD BOARD (1/2) CN4002...
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3-2. OVERALL BLOCK DIAGRAM (2/6) ( ) : Number in parenthesis ( ) indicates the division number of schematic diagram where the component is located. AM-012 BOARD (2/6) CN2802 HDMI_DY[0-7] TX0± - TX2± HDMI_DUV[0-7] IC2401 HDMI HDMI_DE TRANSMITTER HDMI_CLK TXC± HDMI (11/22) XHDMI_HD...
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3-3. OVERALL BLOCK DIAGRAM (3/6) ( ) : Number in parenthesis ( ) indicates the division number of schematic diagram where the component is located. AM-012 BOARD (3/6) XSHUTTER_X_SW STAR_SI_CA, STAR_SO_CA, STAR_SCK_CA, STAR_CS_CA GY-003 FLEXIBLE Q3404 SH_2C 2ND_CURTAIN_MG BOARD OVERALL (1/6) SHUTTER SH_1C 1ST_CURTAIN_MG...
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3-4. OVERALL BLOCK DIAGRAM (4/6) ( ) : Number in parenthesis ( ) indicates the division number of schematic diagram where the component is located. AF-110 AM-012 BOARD (4/6) FLEXIBLE MA-448 AE-029 FLEXIBLE EYE-003 BOARD FLEXIBLE BOARD FLEXIBLE CN3511 BOARD BOARD Vout AFCCD_VOUT...
Page 44
3-5. OVERALL BLOCK DIAGRAM (5/6) ( ) : Number in parenthesis ( ) indicates the division number of schematic diagram where the component is located. AM-012 BOARD (5/6) TOP-003 FLEXIBLE BOARD Q3511 CN3516 BZ901 BUZZER_A BUZZER BUZZER BUZZER (BUZZER) DRIVE S5501 xINT_FLASH_UP_SENSE XINT_FLASH_UP_SENSE...
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3-6. OVERALL BLOCK DIAGRAM (6/6) ( ) : Number in parenthesis ( ) indicates the division number of schematic diagram where the component is located. ST-173 BOARD T6501, T6502 D6501, CN6503 D6503 D6502 UNREG_FLASH XE_K AM-012 BOARD (6/6) MA-448 FLEXIBLE C901 BOARD (2/2) FLASH...
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3-7. POWER BLOCK DIAGRAM (1/6) ( ) : Number in parenthesis ( ) indicates the division number of schematic diagram where the component is located. DD-280 BOARD J902 DC IN CN0513 CN0501 F0501 ACV_UNREG UNREG_LVDD0 BATT/XEXT POWER (4/6) (PAGE 3-10) D0506 VCC1C_DD D0505...
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3-8. POWER BLOCK DIAGRAM (2/6) ( ) : Number in parenthesis ( ) indicates the division number of schematic diagram where the component is located. AM-012 BOARD (1/5) CN3502 IC3401 F3401 UNREG UNREG CHARGE MOTOR DRIVE (14/22) IMG_1.8V_SLVDS 2 PWM IMG_3.3V POWER (6/6) Q3507, Q3508,...
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3-9. POWER BLOCK DIAGRAM (3/6) ( ) : Number in parenthesis ( ) indicates the division number of schematic diagram where the component is located. AM-012 BOARD (2/5) EVER_3.3V EVER_3.3V EVER_3.3V IC3801 IC_3001_3.3V IC_3001_3.3V IC_3001_3.3V ANTI-SHAKE Q3801, Q3802 DRIVE AS_7.7V AS_7.7V LIMITER (PITCH)
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3-10. POWER BLOCK DIAGRAM (4/6) ( ) : Number in parenthesis ( ) indicates the division number of schematic diagram where the component is located. ST-173 BOARD T6501, CN6501 T6502 D6501, CN6503 UNREG_FLASH D6503 D6502 XE_K POWER (1/6) C901 (PAGE 3-7) CHARGING FLASH CAPACITOR...
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3-11. POWER BLOCK DIAGRAM (5/6) ( ) : Number in parenthesis ( ) indicates the division number of schematic diagram where the component is located. AM-012 BOARD (4/5) FP-695 FLEXIBLE IO-081 BOARD BOARD CN5352 CN3518 CN5301 IMG_3.3V IMG_3.3V LCD901 IMG_1.8V_4S IMG_1.8V_4S VDDIO 3 inch...
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3-12. POWER BLOCK DIAGRAM (6/6) ( ) : Number in parenthesis ( ) indicates the division number of schematic diagram where the component is located. AM-012 BOARD (5/5) IS-015 FLEXIBLE IS-017 BOARD IC4002 BOARD 4.5V REG CN2601 CN4001 IC_3001_6.0V VDDCM (A4.5V) 1 Vin Vout 3 CE...
Page 52
Page 55
4-2. SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMS 4-2. SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMS 4-2. SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMS THIS NOTE IS COMMON FOR SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMS (In addition to this, the necessary note is printed in each block) (For schematic diagrams) Precautions for Replacement of Imager • All capacitors are in µF unless otherwise noted. pF : µ •...
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Schematic diagrams of the AM-012 and DD-280 boards are not shown. Pages from 4-5 to 4-28 are not shown. DSLR-A700_L2...
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Note:D901 and AFL-001 flexible board are not supplied, but they are included in AF assist light block assy. EYE_LED_A EYE_LED_A LND011 pin6 LND006 EYE_LED_A EYE_LED_K EYE_LED_K LND012 pin5 LND005 EYE_LED_K REG_GND_2 EYEPIECE LND004 REG_GND REG_GND LND015 SENSORS EYE_SPC_A LND013 LND003 EYE_SPC_A EYE_SPC_A EYE_SPC_K...
Page 72
• Refer to page 4-3 for mark 0. CL6502 CL6501 FLASH UNIT(FL62300) is replaced as block, so that there PRINTED WIRING BOARD and SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM are omitted. CN6501 PGND UNREG_FLASH T6502 D6501 FV02R80TP CL6505 D6502 DD-280 T6501 D6503 RR264M-400 CN6503 FV02R80TP (1/2) XE_K...
Page 73
BZ901 (BUZZER) Note:BZ901 is not included in TOP-003 flexible complete board. D5501 RB48SKTK CN5501 CONTROL xMODE_DIAL_C SWITCH xMODE_DIAL_COM BLOCK BUZZER LND031 pin1 LND001 BUZZER BUZZER_A D5502 RB48SKTK xMODE_DIAL_D (MD62300) LND032 IMG_5.0V LND001-LND006 pin2 LND002 IMG_5.0V BUZZER_B xMODE_DIAL_A EXT_FLASH_TRIGGER Page 4-50 LND003 EXT_FLASH_TRIGGER xMODE_DIAL_B...
Page 81
4-3. PRINTED WIRING BOARDS 4-3. PRINTED WIRING BOARDS THIS NOTE IS COMMON FOR PRINTED WIRING BOARDS • : Uses unleaded solder. • Chip parts. • : Circuit board Transistor Diode : Flexible board Pattern from the side which enables seeing. : pattern of the rear side (The other layers’...
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Printed wiring boards of the AM-012 and DD-280 boards are not shown. Pages from 4-53 to 4-55 are not shown. DSLR-A700_L2...
NOTE 5. REPAIR PARTS LIST NOTE: Characters A to Z of the electrical parts list indicate location of exploded views in which the desired part is shown. EXPLODED VIEWS EXPLODED VIEWS Link Link OVERALL SECTION-1 REAR COVER SECTION OVERALL SECTION-2 FRONT COVER SECTION HALF BODY SECTION HALF BODY SECTION...
Page 91
5. REPAIR PARTS LIST 5. REPAIR PARTS LIST 5. REPAIR PARTS LIST NOTE: • -XX, -X mean standardized parts, so they may have some differences from When indicating parts by reference number, the original one. please include the board name. •...
5. REPAIR PARTS LIST 5. REPAIR PARTS LIST DISASSEMBLY HARDWARE LIST 5-1. EXPLODED VIEWS 5-1-1. OVERALL SECTION-1 ns: not supplied Rear Cover Section (See page 5-3) Overall Section-2 (See page 5-4) Ref. No. Part No. Description Ref. No. Part No. Description 2-894-387-01 SEAL, BODY CAP 3-269-761-01 COVER, SOKKAN...
Page 93
5. REPAIR PARTS LIST 5. REPAIR PARTS LIST DISASSEMBLY HARDWARE LIST 5-1-2. REAR COVER SECTION ns: not supplied (15mm x 15mm) LCD901 BL901 CAUTION: For the part of 53, cut SHEET, INSULATING, CD (3-091- 260-01) into the desired length and use it. Ref.
Page 94
5. REPAIR PARTS LIST 5. REPAIR PARTS LIST DISASSEMBLY HARDWARE LIST 5-1-3. OVERALL SECTION-2 ns: not supplied Top Cover Section-1 (See page 5-6) Half Body Section (AM Board) (See page 5-8) Front Cover Section (See page 5-5) Ref. No. Part No. Description Ref.
Page 95
Ver. 1.1 2007.10 The changed portions from 5. REPAIR PARTS LIST 5. REPAIR PARTS LIST Ver. 1.0 are shown in blue. DISASSEMBLY HARDWARE LIST 5-1-4. FRONT COVER SECTION ns: not supplied SE901 Ref. No. Part No. Description Ref. No. Part No. Description X-2179-797-1 GRIP ASSY 1-480-182-11 SWITCH BLOCK, CONTROL (FS62300)
Page 96
5. REPAIR PARTS LIST 5. REPAIR PARTS LIST DISASSEMBLY HARDWARE LIST 5-1-5. TOP COVER SECTION-1 ns: not supplied Top Cover Section-2 (See page 5-7) Ref. No. Part No. Description Ref. No. Part No. Description A-1318-417-A COVER BLOCK ASSY, TOP 1-480-184-11 SWITCH BLOCK, CONTROL (MD62300) 1-480-185-11 SWITCH BLOCK, CONTROL (TK62300) 3-080-204-01 SCREW, TAPPING, P2 (Black) 3-274-513-01 TAPE (ASCD)
Page 97
5. REPAIR PARTS LIST 5. REPAIR PARTS LIST DISASSEMBLY HARDWARE LIST 5-1-6. TOP COVER SECTION-2 ns: not supplied White (Note) Black (Note) Pink (Note) BZ901 Note: About the arrangement of harness, re- fer to HELP 4. • Refer to page 5-1 for mark 0. Ref.
Page 98
Ver. 1.1 2007.10 The changed portions from 5. REPAIR PARTS LIST 5. REPAIR PARTS LIST Ver. 1.0 are shown in blue. DISASSEMBLY HARDWARE LIST 5-1-7. HALF BODY SECTION (AM BOARD) ns: not supplied BT901 (Note) Half Body Section (MA Flexible Board) (See page 5-9) BH3001 (Note)
Page 99
5. REPAIR PARTS LIST 5. REPAIR PARTS LIST DISASSEMBLY HARDWARE LIST 5-1-8. HALF BODY SECTION (MA FLEXIBLE BOARD) Half Body Section (DD Board) (See page 5-10) Ref. No. Part No. Description Ref. No. Part No. Description 1-872-890-11 FLEXIBLE FLAT CABLE (ST-174) A-1317-979-A MA-448 FLEXIBLE BOARD, COMPLETE * 352 3-274-792-01 SHEET, PT INSULATING...
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5. REPAIR PARTS LIST 5. REPAIR PARTS LIST DISASSEMBLY HARDWARE LIST 5-1-9. HALF BODY SECTION (DD BOARD) #85 #5 (including AFL-001 flexible board) (including EYE-003 flexible board) Half Body Section (ST/MM Board) (See page 5-11) Ref. No. Part No. Description Ref.
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5. REPAIR PARTS LIST 5. REPAIR PARTS LIST DISASSEMBLY HARDWARE LIST 5-1-10. HALF BODY SECTION (ST/MM BOARD) ns: not supplied - 0 6 C901 Half Body Section (BT Holder) (See page 5-12) • Refer to page 5-1 for mark 0. Ref.
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5. REPAIR PARTS LIST 5. REPAIR PARTS LIST DISASSEMBLY HARDWARE LIST 5-1-11. HALF BODY SECTION (BT HOLDER) ns: not supplied BT902 Tebure Unit Section (See page 5-13) Half Body Section (AF Module) (See page 5-14) • Refer to page 5-1 for mark 0. Ref.
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5. REPAIR PARTS LIST 5. REPAIR PARTS LIST HARDWARE LIST 5-1-12. TEBURE UNIT SECTION (including IC4004 (CMOS imager) and IS-017 board) (Note 1, 2) (including IS-015 flexible board and IS-016 flexible board) (including ACT-001 flexible board and HOL-004 flexible board) Note 1: Be sure to read “Precaution for Replacement of Imager”...
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Ver. 1.1 2007.10 The changed portions from 5. REPAIR PARTS LIST 5. REPAIR PARTS LIST Ver. 1.0 are shown in blue. DISASSEMBLY HARDWARE LIST 5-1-13. HALF BODY SECTION (AF MODULE) ns: not supplied Mirror Box Section (Penta Unit) (See page 5-15) J901 (including AF-110 flexible board) J902...
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Ver. 1.1 2007.10 The changed portions from 5. REPAIR PARTS LIST 5. REPAIR PARTS LIST Ver. 1.0 are shown in blue. DISASSEMBLY HARDWARE LIST 5-1-14. MIRROR BOX SECTION (PENTA UNIT) (including AE-029 flexible board and IFL-002 flexible board) (Note 1) 654 - 657 (Note 1) (Note 2)
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5. REPAIR PARTS LIST 5. REPAIR PARTS LIST DISASSEMBLY HARDWARE LIST 5-1-15. MIRROR BOX SECTION (SUB UNIT-1) (including AP-031 flexible board) Mirror Box Section (Sub Unit-2) (See page 5-17) 705 706 (including AFM-001 flexible board and AFP-003 flexible board) Ref. No. Part No.
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5. REPAIR PARTS LIST 5. REPAIR PARTS LIST DISASSEMBLY HARDWARE LIST 5-1-16. MIRROR BOX SECTION (SUB UNIT-2) ns: not supplied (including BL-012 flexible board) (including SLK-002 flexible board) Ref. No. Part No. Description Ref. No. Part No. Description 3-268-935-01 SP, SUB MIRROR FUNCTION X-2179-721-1 CHARGE BASE PLATE B ASSY A-1317-686-A BL CONTACT HOLDER UNIT (including SLK-002 flexible board)
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Electrical parts list of the AM-012 and DD- 280 boards are not shown. Pages 5-18 to 5-27 are not shown. DSLR-A700_L2...
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Checking supplied accessories. Note 1: This item is supplied with the unit as an accessory, but is not prepared as a service part. Battery Charger Power Cord Eyecup CD-ROM 0 1-823-945-41 (US, CND) BC-VM10 X-2179-793-1 (Application Software for camera) 0 1-479-742-21 (US, CND) 0 1-823-947-71 (KR) 3-216-910-01 0 1-479-742-41...
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HARDWARE LIST (1/5) #1: M1.7 X 2.5 #2: M1.7 X 4.0 #3: M1.7 X 2.5 #4: M1.4 X 2.5 (Tapping) (Black) (Black) (Red) (Dark Silver) 2-635-562-11 2-635-562-31 2-660-401-01 3-348-998-81 #5: M1.7 X 3.5 (Tapping) #6: M1.4 X 1.7 #7: M1.7 X 1.6 #8: M1.7 X 3.5 (Tapping) (Black) (Silver)
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HARDWARE LIST (2/5) #21: M1.4 X 3.0 #22: M1.7 X 5.0 (Tapping) #23: M1.7 X 4.0 (Tapping) #24: B1.7 X 5.5 (Tapping) (Black) (Silver) (Black) (Black) 2-662-396-21 3-083-261-01 3-080-204-11 4-679-805-11 #25: M1.7 X 3.0 #26: M1.4 X 2.0 #27: M1.4 X 2.0 #28: M1.4 X 4.0 (Tapping) (Black) (Silver)
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HARDWARE LIST (3/5) #41: M3.0 X 8.0 (Tapping) #42: M2.0 X 4.0 (Tapping) #43: M1.7 X 4.0 #44: M1.7 X 3.0 (Tapping) (Silver) (Silver) (Red) (Silver) 3-065-748-01 7-628-253-00 2-660-401-31 3-078-890-61 #45: M1.4 X 2.5 #46: M1.7 X 3.0 #47: M1.4 X 3.0 (Tapping) #48: M1.7 X 2.5 (Silver) (Red)
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HARDWARE LIST (4/5) #64: M1.7 X 5.0 (Tapping) #61: M3.0 X 10.0 #62: M2.0 X 3.0 #63: M5.0 X 12.5 (Silver) (Black) (Silver) (Black) 2-666-551-21 7-682-549-09 3-080-202-21 3-060-811-21 12.5 10.0 #65: M1.4 X 3.5 #66: M1.4 X 1.4 #67: M1.4 X 2.0 #68: M1.7 X 4.0 (Silver) (Silver)
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HARDWARE LIST (5/5) #81: M1.7 X 2.5 #82: M1.4 X 1.4 #83: M1.7 X 7.0 (Tapping) #84: M2.0 X 3.0 (Silver) (Silver) (Black) (Silver) 2-515-756-01 3-272-251-01 3-080-204-41 3-072-453-11 #85: M1.7 X 2.5 #86: M1.7 X 4.0 (Tapping) #87: M1.6 X 5.3 #88: M1.6 X 5.9 (Tapping) (Black) (Silver)
Reverse 985221232.pdf Revision History S.M. Rev. Ver. Date History Contents issued 2007.09 Official Release — — 2007.10 Revised-1 • Addition of Notes (A1 DI07-167) • Correction of Reference Number • Addition of Informations of Repair Parts S.M. revised: Page 1-2, Page 1-5, Page...