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SERVICE MANUAL ,7& CHASSIS 6HJPHQW 3 /1 LCD TV 9-888-134-03...
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MODEL LIST MODEL COLOR COMMANDER DEST. MODEL COLOR COMMANDER DEST. KLV-32EX330 Black RM-GA022 Saudi Arabia, India, Singapore, Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam, Sogul, Malaysia, South Africa, Thailand. RM GA022 RM-GA022 Mala sia Singapore Malaysia, Singapore, KLV 32EX33A KLV-32EX33A Black Black Philippines, Vietnam, Indonesia, Thailand.
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5-2. Connector Diagram ……………………………………………………61 1-11. How to Disassemble Bezel (32"/40")……………………………… 12 1-12. How to Replace LS Board (32"/40")………………………………… 13 5-2-1. KLV-32EX330, EX33A, EX33B ……………………………………… 61 5-2-2. KLV-40EX430, EX43A, EX43B ……………………………………… 62 5-3. Circuit Board Location 2. SELF DIAGNOSTIC FUNCTION 2-1.
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$ (; $ (; 50 *$ 6(&7,21 6$)(7< 127(6 &DXWLRQ +DQGOLQJ RI /&' 3DQHO 3)Check all control knobs, shields, covers, ground straps and mounting When repairing the LCD Panel, make sure you are grounded with a wrist band. hardware have been replaced. Be absolutely certain you have replaced all When repairing the LCD Panel on the wall, the panel must be secured using the 4 the insulators.
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Replace exploded views, and in the parts list are critical for safe operation. Replace these components with Sony parts whose part numbers appear as shown in this manual or in supplements published by Sony. Circuit adjustments that are critical for safe operation are identified in this manual.
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$ (; $ (; Safety Notes 50 *$ The servicing of these boards requires special precautions. It is strongly FFC can reverse insertion to connector of BAQ board. recommended to use Lead Free Solder material in order to guarantee optimal If reverse insertion FFC, all pins short-circuit, and board is broken.
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$ (; $ (; Safety Notes 50 *$ ( Confirm all screws & positions before Screws detail refer to CAUTION:During this disassemble, the TV set must lie above Soft Cushion sheet/Protection Sheet. removing) removing) Section 6 Section 6 +RZ 7R 5HPRYH 6WDQG 8QGHU &RYHU +RZ 7R 5HSODFH % %RDUG ´...
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$ (; $ (; Safety Notes 50 *$ +RZ 7R 5HSODFH % %RDUG ´ ´ 1. Remove this VA Tape on Left Speaker. 12 And finally remove 12. And, finally remove 11. Final FFC B-Board from Main condition. Bracket. (For 40” model only) (For 40 model only) 2.
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$ (; $ (; Safety Notes 50 *$ +RZ 7R 5HSODFH % %RDUG ´ ´ 67(3 ,QVWDOO 5HOHYDQW 3DUWV 12. Insert speaker wire into the hole 13. Insert speaker wire between rib. behind the hook. 1. Prepare all needed parts. 14.
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$ (; $ (; Safety Notes 50 *$ +RZ 7R 5HSODFH % %RDUG ´ ´ STEP 5: Reinstall Under Cover & Stand 1. Initial condition. 8. Hold the stand while screwing. (SCREW +PSW M5X16) (SCREW, +PSW M5X16) 2. Insert Under Cover Insert Under Cover 7.
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$ (; $ (; Safety Notes 50 *$ 3UHSDUDWLRQ RQ %H]HO 'LVDVVHPEO\ ´ ´ +RZ WR 'LVDVVHPEOH %H]HO ´ ´ IDENTIFY BEZEL HOOK POSITION Pre-step: Before e s ep: e o e closing Under Front Cover 1. Place TV set on a Flat surface. TOTAL = 17 HOOKS CAUTION CAUTION...
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$ (; $ (; Safety Notes 50 *$ +RZ 7R 5HSODFH /6 %RDUG ´ ´ STEP 1: Remove Old LS Board 5. Push LS Board as indicated by arrow. 1. Zoom in. 2. Identify the 2 hook 6. Push LS Board until both condition.
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$ (; $ (; Safety Notes 50 *$ +RZ 7R 5HSODFH /6 %RDUG ´ ´ (for 32” model only) LS Type Location +RZ 7R 5HSODFH /6 %RDUG ´ ´ LS Type Location (for 40” model only) To avoid brightness unevenness, please follow below instruction: - Arrange LS board according to each type location at BLC LED Bin - 1 set BLU must consist of same LED bin number...
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$ (; $ (; 50 *$ 6(&7,21 6(/) ',$*1267,& )81&7,21 2YHUYLHZ RI &RQWURO %XWWRQV /(' 'LVSOD\ &RQWURO Status Picture Standby Power Remarks Off/ Timer LED Power Off *1 power switch off ( AC Off and *1) (by touch button) Power On Green Standby ( by remote control...
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$ (; $ (; Self Diagnostic Function 50 *$ 6WDQGE\ /(' (UURU 'LVSOD\ Note: Details refer to Troubleshooting Section. The Number of Detection Items Board Error Item Standby LED (RED blinking) Main Power Error AC adapter Error Audio Error B* board Error Panel Power Error B* or Source board Error B or Source board Error...
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$ (; $ (; Self Diagnostic Function 50 *$ 7ULDJH &KDUW No Picture No Sound Blinking Compon Main Compone Tuner Video1 VIdeo2 HDMI Video1 Video2 Tuner HDMI Speaker BWM/BFM Board HTW/HTF Board U1 Board Light Source Board Open Cell AC Ad AC Adaptor Speaker Unit LS Harness...
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$ (; $ (; 50 *$ 6(&7,21 7528%/(6+227,1* 7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ )ORZ 1R 3RZHU START START No Power Does the Power Led Check DC voltage at Open Detail stay on when the stay on when the •See DDCON •See DDCON JL6016 (BWM) or JL6506 (BFM) - No Power TV is switched on ? Sheet...
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$ (; $ (; Troubleshooting 50 *$ '' &RQ Start DDCON Check voltage at JL6012 Check F6000 (BWM) (BWM) or JL6503 Fuse or F6500 (BFM) (BFM) is it 3.3V? Check voltage at JL6010 DDCON Change B*- Change B - (BWM) or JL6501 board (BFM) is it 1.2V? Check voltage at CL6001...
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$ (; $ (; Troubleshooting 50 *$ 6WDQGE\ /(' %OLQNLQJ WLPHV %OLQNLQJ 2 times Blinking Check DC voltage at Change JL6016 (BWM) or JL6506 (BFM) B*-board Is it 18V - 19.5V? Take out adaptor Change and test at adaptor B*-board output is it 18V –...
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$ (; $ (; Troubleshooting 50 *$ 6WDQGE\ /(' %OLQNLQJ WLPHV %OLQNLQJ START Check 19.5V ADAPT C ec 9 5 _ Change F4000 at F4000 Check Speaker Impedance Speaker at SP Connector Check D4000 Change and D4001 D4000 or D4001 Check 19.5V_ADAPT at F6005 Change F6005...
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$ (; $ (; Troubleshooting 50 *$ 6WDQGE\ /(' %OLQNLQJ WLPHV %OLQNLQJ Note : START START PANEL VCC SW = 12V±1V PANEL_VCC_SW = 12V±1V Check PANEL_VCC_SW No +12V No 12V TV Boot Up TV Boot Up Troubleshoot Troubleshoot on B* Board: on B* Board: Normally •...
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$ (; $ (; Troubleshooting 50 *$ 6WDQGE\ /(' %OLQNLQJ WLPHV %OLQNLQJ 6x blinking Symptom gone Change B Board Change B Board B* board B* board 6x blinking Able to repair Panel Change Panel Module M d l Module Symptom gone Change Harness Harness 6x blinking...
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$ (; $ (; Troubleshooting 50 *$ $XGLR 3UREOHP Refer “Main Speaker Main Speaker No Sound Audio Problem No Sound” Refer “HP Out Refer HP Out HP Out No Sound HP Out No Sound No Sound” *V1, V2/D1 or Refer “Analog Audio Input PC/HDMI analog No Sound”...
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$ (; $ (; Troubleshooting 50 *$ $XGLR 3UREOHP 0DLQ 6SHDNHU 1R 6RXQG Main Spk No Sound Change D4000 or Correct UI Audio UI Setting, ok? Check D4000 and D4001 D4001 Spk Wire, Change spk Change FB4014 Check FB4014 and FB4015 wire or/and FB4015 Connector ok?
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$ (; $ (; Troubleshooting 50 *$ $XGLR 3UREOHP ± $QDORJ $XGLR ,QSXW 1R 6RXQG $XGLR 3UREOHP +3 2XW 1R 6RXQG HP Out No Sound Analog audio input no sound HP cable HP cable, Change HP Audio RCA cable, Change RCA cable cable R3073...
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$ (; $ (; Troubleshooting 50 *$ $XGLR 3UREOHP ±+'0, $XGLR 1R 6RXQG HDMI Audio input no sound Change Change HDMI HDMI cable, HDMI cable HDMI source, Change HDMI source Change to supported *HDMI sound format format ok? Change B* Board * Please refer to IM for supported HDMI Size B* Board Type...
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$ (; $ (; Troubleshooting 50 *$ $XGLR 3UREOHP ± $QDORJ 5) QR VRXQG Analog RF input no RF i sound Change RF RF cable, cab e, cable UI setting, ok? Correct UI (TV System, AFT, Audio Filter) RF source RF source, Change RF source/channel...
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$ (; $ (; Troubleshooting 50 *$ $XGLR 3UREOHP ± 86% QR VRXQG USB Audio input no sound Change USB USB thumbdrive, thumbdrive *USB audio Change to supported format format ok? format, ok? Change B* Board Change B Board * Please refer to IM for supported USB Size B* Board Type audio format.
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$ (; $ (; Troubleshooting 50 *$ $XGLR 3UREOHP ; %OLQNLQJ IRU $XGLR (UURU TV 3x blinking TV 3x blinking Remove spk connector (CN4000), ok? L4000, L4001, L4002 & L4003 impedance to ground. Spk Impedance High Z 7~8ohm, ok? Low Z (>100Kohm) F6005 (<100Kohm)
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$ (; $ (; Troubleshooting 50 *$ 9LGHR 3UREOHP Picture On Screen Distorted Or Missing Check LED 6x Refer to Power Troubleshoot (STANDBY LED times blink? BLINK Æ 6x times blinking Backlight turns ON? Check Eco Power Saving Refer to IM Eco Refer to IM Eco Refer “Tuner Power Saving...
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$ (; $ (; Troubleshooting 50 *$ 9LGHR WURXEOHVKRRWLQJ IORZ Ref1 Check Check Check Input Video1 signal input Confirm waveform at jack IC5000 sourc signal C3033 (face to IC5000) NG / No ‘J3005’ defect e or 1Vp-p at same as Ref1 (CB input picture picture connecti...
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$ (; $ (; Troubleshooting 50 *$ 9LGHR WURXEOHVKRRWLQJ IORZ Ref2 Check Check Check Input Video2 signal input Confirm waveform at IC5000 jack source source signal signal C3025 (face to IC5000) C3025 (face to IC5000) NG / No NG / No defect ‘J3006’...
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$ (; $ (; Troubleshooting 50 *$ &RPSRQHQW WURXEOHVKRRWLQJ IORZ Check Check Check Component Input jack signal ‘J3006’ NG / No source connectio picture or cable. Ref4 Ref3 Video Signal Make sure jack Source problem or proper connection Ref5 cable problem to board Confirm waveform at C3027 (face to IC5000)
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$ (; $ (; Troubleshooting 50 *$ $XWR VZLWFKLQJ &RPSRQHQW 9LGHR WURXEOHVKRRWLQJ IORZ Input Pr- Input Pr Take out Pr- input at Check at input at J3006 and RB5004 J3006 and IC5000 defect Auto switching NG check at (pin3) = check at R5033 = R5033 = 0V?
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$ (; $ (; Troubleshooting 50 *$ 3& 7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ IORZ PC display problem Check PC input source PC Signal Source Problem or signal or cable. cable problem Confirm PC input source Change PC input source to TV format / resolution supported supported format by TV? Check PC jack ‘CN3001’...
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$ (; $ (; Troubleshooting 50 *$ 3& GHWDLO SDWK WURXEOHVKRRWLQJ IORZ signal PC NG/No picture signal signal Confirm waveform at C3046 (face to IC5000) same as Check input Check 5V Check BP-signal. Confirm signal 0.7Vpp pull up waveform at C3048 (face to at C3046_BP IC5000 C3042_HS...
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$ (; $ (; Troubleshooting 50 *$ +'0, ± 7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ IORZ HDMI Problem Check HDMI input source HDMI Signal Source Problem or signal or cable. cable problem Confirm HDMI input source format Change HDMI input source to TV / resolution supported by TV? supported format Check HDMI Change B* board...
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$ (; $ (; Troubleshooting 50 *$ ,5 ± 7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ IORZ TV cannot be controlled by remote commander Green LED blinks at Power indicator Green LED light Software NG when using commander at Power LED indicator near sensor’s window Confirm Harness connection Harness loose connection OK on B*M Board and HT* Board Change Harness...
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$ (; $ (; Troubleshooting 50 *$ 7RXFK %XWWRQV ± 7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ IORZ Mechanical NG TV cannot be controlled By Touch Buttons Mechanical : Change double sided tape and Service Menu bezel. Confirm double sided tape assembly is id d t bl i [Self Diagnosis[ OK (No air gap between tape &...
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$ (; $ (; Troubleshooting 50 *$ 57& 7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ )ORZ Time in Photo Frame does not memorize after AC off on. [self diagnosis] RTC_ ERR > 1 RTC IC NG Change B* Board SW NG Size B* Board Type 32” 40’’...
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$ (; $ (; 50 *$ 6(&7,21 6(59,&( $'-8670(176 $FFHVVLQJ 6HUYLFH 0RGH $FFHVVLQJ 6RIWZDUH 9HUVLRQ 1) Go to TV standby condition by remote commander. 1) Press (Enter) or button on Remote to enter status information. 2) Press “i+ (info)”, “5”, “Volume +” then “TV power” on remote. You can see Service Mode on display.
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$ (; $ (; Service Adjustment 50 *$ $FFHVVLQJ 6HULDO 1XPEHU (GLW 1) Press button on Remote to edit Serial Number. Screen Sample Note: * The font color of YES is change to black when it is selected. Remote Commander 4) If 4) If YES i...
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$ (; $ (; Service Adjustment 50 *$ $FFHVVLQJ 0RGHO 1DPH (GLW 5) If NO is selected, the input data is not saved into EEPROM. 1) Press button on Remote to edit Model Name. The serial number that has been input is displayed. User can still edit the Serial Number.
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$ (; $ (; Service Adjustment 50 *$ 3) Model Name can be set ONLY ONCE. After user input data press <Enter> After user input data , press <Enter>. Pop dialog will appear to inform user to confirm data. Press button to select YES or NO.
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$ (; $ (; Service Adjustment 50 *$ $FFHVVLQJ 6HOI 'LDJQRVWLF +LVWRU\ $FFHVVLQJ 6HOI 'LDJQRVWLF 0HQX 1) Go to TV standby condition by remote commander. 1) Press (Enter) button on Remote to enter Self Check Mode. 2) Press “i+ (info)”, “5”, “Volume -” then “TV power” on remote. 3) T E it 3) To Exit –...
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2) Please check with Software Upgrade Manual in ORISS Website (htt // (http://www.oriss.ap.sony.com) for the procedure and when it is require for it i the software updating. 3) The software updates may not be ready yet in ORISS Website after the 1st Issue of Service Manual is released.
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KLV- 32 EX330, EX33A, EX33B, 40 EX430, EX43A, EX43B Disassembly, Exploded Views and Other Parts RM-GA022 6-2. KLV- 40EX430, EX43A, EX43B 6-2-1. Disassembly, Exploded View KLV-40EX430 KLV-40EX43A KLV-40EX43B CHILD PART REF. NO. DESCRIPTION PART NO. DESTINATION DESTINATION DESTINATION REF. NO. Saudi Arabia India Singapore Indonesia Philippines Vietnam Sogul Malaysia South Africa Thailand Malaysia Singapore Philippines Vietnam Indonesia Thailand Malaysia STAND, BASE(40CNS) A...
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50 *$ MODEL COLOR COMMANDER DEST. MODEL COLOR COMMANDER DEST. KLV-40EX430 Black RM-GA022 Saudi Arabia, India, KLV-32EX330 Black RM-GA022 Saudi Arabia, India, Singapore, Indonesia, Singapore, Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam, Sogul, Philippines, Vietnam, Sogul, Malaysia,South Africa, Malaysia, South Africa, Thailand. Thailand. RM-GA022...
KLV- 32 EX330, EX33A, EX33B, 40 EX430, EX43A, EX43B Disassembly, Exploded Views and Other Parts RM-GA022 1-14. WIRE DRESSING AND CAUTION FOR CONNECTOR ASSY 15P (B-U1 HARNESS), 1-910-803-05 ( KLV-40 EX430, EX43A, EX43B) (1)Dressing sequence change for speaker harness and B-U1 harness. -Do not press the harness at other area except for B-U1 harness Speaker harness...
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COLOR COMMANDER DEST. MODEL COLOR COMMANDER DEST. RM-GA022 Saudi Arabia, India, KLV-40EX430 Black RM-GA022 Saudi Arabia, India, KLV-32EX330 Black Singapore, Indonesia, Singapore, Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam, Sogul, Philippines, Vietnam, Sogul, Malaysia, South Africa, Malaysia,South Africa, Thailand. Thailand. KLV-40EX43A Black RM-GA022 Malaysia, Singapore,...
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010COV.book Page 1 Thursday, July 19, 2012 8:44 AM 4-431-702-13(1) LCD TV Start-up Guide Operating the TV Operating Instructions Using Optional Equipment Using Menu Functions Additional Information KLV-40EX430 / 40EX43A / 40EX43B / 32EX330 / 32EX33A / 32EX33B KLV-40EX430/43A/43B_32EX330/33A/33B 4-431-702-13(1)
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010COV.book Page 2 Thursday, July 19, 2012 8:44 AM Disposal of the TV set Introduction Disposal of Old Electrical & Thank you for choosing this Sony product. Electronic Equipment Before operating the TV, please read this manual (Applicable in Republic thoroughly and retain it for future reference.
010COV.book Page 3 Thursday, July 19, 2012 8:44 AM Table of Contents Start-up Guide Using Menu Functions Checking the accessories........4 Photo Frame Mode........... 12 Favourites............12 1: Attaching the Table-Top Stand ......4 Photo/Music/Video .......... 13 2: Connecting an antenna/cable/VCR....4 FM Radio 3: Preventing the TV from toppling over.....5 (except KLV-40EX43B, KLV-32EX33B)...
010COV.book Page 4 Thursday, July 19, 2012 8:44 AM Start-up Guide Checking the accessories 2: Connecting an antenna/ cable/VCR Table-Top Stand (1) Fixing screws for Table-Top Stand (2) Connecting an antenna/cable Remote (1) AC power cord (1) AC adapter (1) Cable holders (2) Size AA batteries (R6 type) (2) Antenna cable...
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(not supplied) * KLV-40EX430, KLV-40EX43A, KLV-40EX43B : Use M6 anchor bolts KLV-32EX330, KLV-32EX33A, KLV-32EX33B : To bundle the AC adapter Use M4 anchor bolts ~ • You can bundle the AC adapter as an optional step. Do not bundle it for any reason other than 4: Performing the initial set- to wall-mount the TV.
Do injuries: to the AC power outlet, even if the set not put stress on – Use only Sony supplied AC power itself has been turned off. the LCD panel cords, not those of other brands. and the frame around the screen.
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• To remove dust from the screen following problems occur. liquids, such as vases, shall be surface/cabinet, wipe gently with a Ask your dealer or Sony service centre placed on the TV. soft cloth. If dust is persistent, wipe to have it checked by qualified service •...
010COV.book Page 8 Thursday, July 19, 2012 8:44 AM Operating the TV Overview of the remote Selects input source. Turns the TV on or switch to In Text mode: Holds the standby mode. current page. Displays the BRAVIA Sync Menu and then select Operates the BRAVIA Sync connected HDMI/MHL and USB compatible...
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010COV.book Page 9 Thursday, July 19, 2012 8:44 AM To change the Wide Mode For TV, Video, Component or HDMI (except PC input)/ PC or HDMI PC Input (PC timing) Wide Zoom* Normal Full Zoom* Normal Full 1 Full 2 * Parts of the top and bottom of the picture may be cut off.
010COV.book Page 10 Thursday, July 19, 2012 8:44 AM Using Optional Equipment Viewing pictures from the connected equipment Turn on the connected equipment, then press on the TV to display the connected equipment list. Rear View (Digital still camera, Camcorder, USB storage media) Access photo/music/video files stored on a USB device (page 13).
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010COV.book Page 11 Thursday, July 19, 2012 8:44 AM Using MHL function MHL Cable (not supplied) The MHL (Mobile High-Definition Link) enables the TV to communicate with connected MHL-compatible device. When connecting MHL-compatible device, TV simultaneously charges the connected device while playing photo/music/video from it.
010COV.book Page 12 Thursday, July 19, 2012 8:44 AM Using Menu Functions r ame Mode ¡ ¢ ¡ £ • To exit Home menu: Photo Frame Mode Display Photo, Music and Clock calendar at the same time. To enter Photo Frame Mode “Photo Frame Mode”...
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~ • While the TV is accessing the data on the USB device, do not turn off the TV or connected USB device, disconnect the USB cable, or remove the USB device. • Sony will not be held liable for any damage to, or loss of, data on the recording media due to a malfunction of any connected devices or the TV.
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010COV.book Page 14 Thursday, July 19, 2012 8:44 AM USB Music format USB Photo format Extension Audio Codec Extension Image Codec .mp3 .jpg, .jpeg JPEG .wma WMA v8 .wav .m4a DCF2.0 or EXIF2.21 supported. ~ • Playback of the above file formats is not guaranteed. •...
010COV.book Page 15 Thursday, July 19, 2012 8:44 AM Settings ~ • The options you can adjust vary depending on the situation. Unavailable options are greyed out or not displayed. Picture Picture Mode Sets a picture mode. The options that can be selected differ depending on the “Scene Select”...
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010COV.book Page 16 Thursday, July 19, 2012 8:44 AM Sound Sound Mode Sets a sound mode. The options that can be selected differ depending on the “Scene Select” settings. Reset Resets all the “Sound” settings except “Sound Mode”, “Dual Sound”, “Speakers”, “Audio Out”...
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010COV.book Page 17 Thursday, July 19, 2012 8:44 AM Screen Wide Mode For details about wide mode, see page 9. Auto Wide Automatically changes the wide mode according to the input signal from an external equipment. To keep your setting, select “Off”. z •...
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010COV.book Page 18 Thursday, July 19, 2012 8:44 AM Channel Set-up 1 Digit Direct When “1 Digit Direct” is set to “On”, select a channel using one preset number button (0 - 9) on the remote. ~ • When “1 Digit Direct” is set to “On”, you cannot select channel numbers 10 and above entering next digit using the remote.
010COV.book Page 19 Thursday, July 19, 2012 8:44 AM Parental Lock PIN Code Sets up TV to block channel or external input. Use 0-9 on the remote to enter a four-digit PIN code. Change PIN Code Selects to change your PIN code. Programme Block Blocks an individual channel from being watched.
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“BRAVIA Sync Control”: Sets whether or not to link the operations of the TV and the connected equipment that is compatible with BRAVIA Sync Control. When set to “On”, the following functions are available. If the specific Sony equipment that is compatible with BRAVIA Sync Control is connected, this setting is applied to the connected equipment automatically when the “BRAVIA Sync Control”...
Sufficient expertise is required for installing these products, especially to determine the strength of the wall for withstanding the TV’s weight. Be sure to entrust the attachment of these products to the wall to Sony dealers or licensed contractors and pay adequate attention to safety during the installation. Sony is not liable for any damage or injury caused by mishandling or improper installation.
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SU-WL100 Screen centre point Unit: mm Angle (0°) Angle (20°) KLV-32EX330/ KLV-32EX33A/ KLV-32EX33B Figures in the above table may differ slightly depending on the installation. WARNING The wall that the TV will be installed on should be capable of supporting a weight of at least four times that of the TV.
• The screen is composed of pixels. This is not a Press "/1 on the TV to turn it off, disconnect the malfunction. AC power cord, and inform your dealer or Sony Picture contours are distorted service centre of how the indicator flashes •...