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Chapter 8 Configuring Flexattach Virtual Pwwn; About Flexattach Virtual Pwwn - Cisco MDS 9000 Series Configuration Manual

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S e n d d o c u m e n t a t i o n c o m m e n t s t o m d s f e e d b a c k - d o c @ c i s c o . c o m
Configuring FlexAttach Virtual pWWN
This chapter describes the FlexAttach virtual port world-wide name (pWWN) feature and includes the
following sections:

About FlexAttach Virtual pWWN

FlexAttach virtual pWWN feature facilitates server and configuration management. In a SAN
environment, the server installation or replacement, requires interaction and coordination among the
SAN and server administrators. For coordination, it is important that the SAN configuration does not
change when a new server is installed, or when an existing server is replaced. FlexAttach virtual pWWN
minimizes the interaction between the server administrator and the SAN administrator by abstracting the
real pWWN using virtual pWWNs.
When FlexAttach virtual pWWN is enabled on an interface, a virtual pWWN is assigned to the server
interface. The real pWWN is replaced by a virtual pWWN, which is used for a SAN configuration such
as zoning.
Server administrators can benefit from FlexAttach in the following scenarios:
OL-19445-02, Cisco MDS NX-OS Release 4.2(x)
About FlexAttach Virtual pWWN, page 8-1
FlexAttach Virtual pWWN Guidelines and Requirements, page 8-2
Configuring FlexAttach Virtual pWWN, page 8-2
Difference Between San Device Virtualization and FlexAttach Port Virtualization, page 8-6
Pre-configure—Pre-configure SAN for new servers that are not available physically yet. For
example, they may be on order. FlexAttach can be enabled on the ports designated for the new
servers and use the virtual WWNs assigned for configuring SAN. The new servers are then plugged
into the fabric without any change needed in the SAN.
Replacement to the same port—A failed server can be replaced onto the same port without changing
the SAN. The new server gets a same pWWN as the failed server because the virtual pWWN is
assigned to the port.
Replacement to (spare)—A spare server, which is on the same NPV device or a different NPV
device) can be brought online without changes to the SAN. This action is achieved by moving the
virtual port WWN from the current server port to the spare port.
Server Mobility—A server can be moved to another port on the same NPV device or another NPV
device without changing the SAN. This is accomplished by moving the virtual pWWN to the new
port. No change is needed if FlexAttach was configured using the physical port WWN of the server
to the virtual port WWN mapping.
Cisco MDS 9000 Family NX-OS Interfaces Configuration Guide


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