Note: Disk unit plug sequence for optimum performance: D31, D36, D46, D32,
5065, 5074, and 5094 expansion unit
Select the optimal disk unit position
When you install disk units, you should evenly distribute the disk units on the
disk controllers. Evenly distributing the disk units will optimize them for
maximum performance.
Note for 5079 users: The 5079 consists of two independent expansion units:
Note for 5094 users: The 5094 consists of two independent expansion units:
Note: If you are installing feature 4331 1.65 GB Read Cache, solid-state disk units,
Refer to the label on the inside of the front cover and install the disk units in this
__ 1. First fill all the disk unit positions that are controlled by the first high-speed
D37, D47, ... D50, (add second adaptor), D01, D11, D21, D02, ... D25, (add
third adaptor), D06, D16, D26, D07, ... D30.
5079–001 and 5079–002. Installation rules and procedures
apply to each expansion unit independently.
5094–001 and 5094–002. Installation rules and procedures
apply to each expansion unit independently.
you can only install them in position one of your disk unit enclosures. You
can install three of these features (if you have three disk unit controllers) in
the expansion unit, for example, in positions D31, D01, and D06.
disk-unit controller.
__ a. Fill the slot 1's: D31, D36, D46
__ b. Fill the slot 2's D32, D37, D47
Disk unit locations