Adobe RGB color space
Adobe RGB color space has a wide range el color reproduction,
compared to sRGB. If tile main purpose is
to prinl out lhe image, especially when a large part el lhe subject is vivid green or red, Adobe RGB is more
ellcclive than other sRGB color modes.
• Tile file name of the image starls with " DSC" (page 112).
"_" About color matching in Adobe RGB
To display or prinl the image, use sollware that stlppollS color inanagel/lelll, stlch as "Picnlre Motion
Browser" (supplied).
To display, edit, modify, or print an image capnlred in Adobe RGB mode, use an applicalion
such as
"Picture Motion Browser". that supports color managemenl
and DCF2.0 option color space. Soflwm-e
withoul color management
lunctions, may not display or prinl Adobe RGB images with faithful colors. To
print the inlage with l_dlhful colors, tile printer needs to be DCF2.0 option color Sl?ace compliant.
You can sel the AF area and Ihe AF mode.
• When shooting in auto locus mode, be sure to set the locus mode switch to AE
You can change
the focus nlelhod.
the method
it is difficull
to get Ihe proper
(_) Display
the fecus mode screen wilh the functien
dial and Ihe Fn bulten q)age 43).
(g) Display
the AF area screen whh • on Ihe centreller.
AF area
Wide AF area
_:_nc, _F:select O :entel
the desbed
on Ihe cenlreller,
Ihe cenler
ef Ihe centreller.