SuperSign Contents
Plays stored files using the Export option in SuperSign Editor.
To play back the stored files using the Export option
Only contents distributed by SuperSign Manager are displayed and selectable. If there is a USB/SD storage
device connected, the image on the USB/SD device is outputted additionally.
If a folder named normal or AutoPlay exists on the USB/SD card and there are playable files, the files will
play automatically when the USB/SD card is connected.
OLED product types do not play content types other than single video or single flash files. Content
produced via SuperSign Editor is not played either.
To check the basic information of Signage Monitor
You can see the basic information on Signage Monitor.
You can also switch to Smart Energy Saving Mode or configure Fail Over settings. (You can switch to
Smart Energy Saving Mode only when Energy Saving Mode is set to Off. The Smart Energy Saving mode
is not available on OLED models.)