hit counter script

Rs232 Interface; Hardware Configuration - Hach BODTrak Instrument Manual

Table of Contents


Use the
to the desired value.
Repeat the procedure for each parameter to be adjusted. When all
time adjustments are complete, press the
normal operation mode.

2.4 RS232 Interface

Computer commands sent over the RS232 interface simulate
pressing the front panel keys. Request stored data with commands
from Table 4 on page 14. The instrument then sends the requested
information to the computer. For commands to send data to the
Epson LQ-570+ printer see section 2.4.3 Downloading and
Printing Test Results.

2.4.1 Hardware Configuration

All RS232 connections are made through the Serial I/O port
located on the left side of the instrument panel (see Figure 1 on
page 4). Connect the 9-pin D connector of a computer interface
cable to the Serial I/O port on the instrument. Connect the
Serial I/O port (Com 1 or Com 2).
A command line may need to be added to the AUTOEXEC.BAT
file of your communication software to set up the connection. If
so, add the following command:
MODE COMn, 9600,N,8,1
Where n is the port number 1 or 2.
The BODTrak instrument is wired as Data Communication
Equipment (DCE) and operates at 9600 baud with 8 data bits, no
parity, and one stop bit. The pinouts of the necessary cables are
shown in Table 3 and Table 3. The receiving device (computer or
printer) must be able to continuously receive at 9600 baud or
characters may be lost during long transmissions.
is mandatory for meeting Radio Frequency Emissions
(left) and
(right) keys to adjust the selected parameter
end of this straight through cable to the computer
Use of the specified cable or an equivalent shielded cable
客服:400 688 9809
key to return to the


Table of Contents

Table of Contents