Working with StickyKeys
StickyKeys are an accessibility option that lets you use the Windows
ALT, SHIFT, or CTRL buttons in conjunction with other keys but by
pressing them one at a time.
Activating StickyKeys
1. Press the Shift key five times in a row. The dialog box opens.
2. Click OK to activate them, or Settings to open the Settings dialog
box. You can also access the Settings dialog box by going to the
Control Panel and opening Accessibility Options.
User-Defined Buttons
The two User-Defined buttons on your computer let you assign specific,
custom functions to them, such as opening your email program, and
Internet browser, or whatever else you can think of doing with your
software collection.
The Internet Button and the TOSHIBA Console Button
By default, the User-Defined buttons are configured with Internet and
TOSHIBA Console functionality. The Internet button opens your default
Internet web browser, while the TOSHIBA Console button opens the
TOSHIBA Console.
Configuring the Buttons
1. Right-click the Easy Button software icon in your system tray
notification area.
2. From the pop-up menu, click the Configuration option.
3. Select the button you'd like to configure from the menu.
4. If you use a factory-set, pre-defined function, then select the function
you'd like to assign to that button from the list.
5. If you'd like to use a custom function, select the Application Launch
option, then Browse for the program to which you'd like to assign the
6. In the Caption entry box, enter the name you'd like to assign to the
button. This appears on-screen when pressed.
User's Manual
Learning The Basics