Updating MIBs
Updating MIBs
Cisco Content Services Switch Administration Guide
After you upgrade and reboot the software in a CSS 11506 that contains a
passive SCM, use the passive sync command in boot-config mode (or the
passive sync macro command) immediately after upgrading your CSS
software to synchronize the boot configurations on the redundant SCMs.
Refer to
Chapter 2, Specifying the CSS Boot
configuring a boot configuration record for a passive SCM.
Use the restore command to restore the startup-config file, custom scripts,
and user-profile files previously archived in the CSS archive directory. To see
a list of files in the archive directory, enter:
restore ?
If the CSS does not have a startup-config file, it uses the file in the archive
directory. To restore the startup-config file, use the restore filename
startup-config command. For example, to restore the startup-config file in
the archive directory as the startup-config file on the CSS, enter:
# restore startup-config startup-config
To restore each custom script and user profile file to the script directory, use
the restore filename script command. For example, to restore the
admin-profile filename to the CSS script directory, enter:
# restore admin-profile script
Typically, MIBs do not change for maintenance or sustaining releases. However,
CSS Enterprise MIBs are included in the CSS GZIP file. During the software
upgrade, the MIBs are loaded into the CSS /mibs directory.
We recommend that you always update the MIBs after a software upgrade. To
update the CSS MIBs on your management station after you upgrade the CSS:
Use FTP to transfer the MIBs from the CSS MIBs (/v1 or /v2) directory to
your management station.
Unload the MIBs from the management application.
Load the MIBs into the management application.
Refer to
Chapter 5, Configuring Simple Network Management Protocol
for information on CSS Enterprise MIBs.
Appendix A
Upgrading Your CSS Software
Configuration, for details on