Follow these steps to use an activation key:
Ensure that the image in Flash memory and the Running Image are the same.
Step 1
Step 2
Make sure that you are in config mode to enter a new activation key.
From the CLI, enter the activation-key activation-key-four-tuple command, replacing
Step 3
activation-key-four-tuple with the activation key obtained from Cisco.
Reboot the PIX Firewall by powering it off and then on again.
Step 4
After the key update is complete, the system reloads to update the running image.
Restore the Default Configuration
You can restore your configuration back to the factory default values in one of the following ways:
• You can start the Startup Wizard at:
• Enter the following CLI commands:
configure factory-default [<inside
Step 1
ip address> [address mask]]
write memory
Step 2
If the optional inside IP address and optional address mask are specified, the factory-default configuration
will reflect the specified IP address.
Entering the configure factory-default command erases the current running configuration.
Refer to the following website for detailed command information and configuration examples:
The Cisco TAC website is available to all customers who need technical assistance. To access the TAC
Website go to:
Erases the running configuration and replaces it with
the factory default configuration.
Writes the factory default configuration to Flash