INFO Command
INFO Command
The INFO command causes the TR3271 subsystem to return the values
of the configurable attributes of the specified objects.
values are returned in the ZTR3-MAP-INFO-LINE and ZTR3-MAP-INFO-
SU extensible structured tokens.
When your management application issues the INFO command for a
line, the subsystem checks for the optional subordinate-modifier
If the value of the modifier is ZCOM-VAL-SUB-ONLY, only
information about subdevices attached to the line is returned.
If the value of the modifier is ZCOM-VAL-SUB-ALL, the subsystem
returns information about the line and the attached subdevices.
If the value is ZCOM-VAL-SUB-NONE or the subordinate modifier
is not present, the subsystem returns information about the line
When your management application issues the INFO command for
a subdevice, the subsystem returns information only for the
specified subdevice.
your management application can specify the subordinate modifier
with the value ZCOM-VAL-SUB-NONE, and ZCOM-VAL-SUB-ALL.
value causes the subsystem to return information only for the
specified subdevice.
specifies the value ZCOM-VAL-SUB-ONLY the TR3271 subsystem re-
turns an error.
If your management application issues the INFO command without
specifying an object, the subsystem returns an error.
The current summary state of the objects has no effect on
the information returned by this command.
information, see the "STATUS Command" in this section.
Although the SU object has no subordinates,
However, if your management application
For summary state