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Samsung SGH-T208 Service Manual
Samsung SGH-T208 Service Manual

Samsung SGH-T208 Service Manual

China cellular tdma telephon
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C h in aC e llu la rT D M AT e le p h o n
1 .E x p l o d e dV i e w sa n dP a r tsL is t
2 .E l e c tr i c a lP a r tsL i s t
3 .B lo c kD i a g r a m s
4 .P C B D i a g r a m s
5 .F l o w C h a r to fT r o u b le s h o o ti n g



Summary of Contents for Samsung SGH-T208

  • Page 1 CHIN A CE L L UL A R TDMA TE L E PHO N E Manual SERVICE C h in aC e llu la rT D M AT e le p h o n C O N T E N T S 1 .E x p l o d e dV i e w sa n dP a r tsL is t 2 .E l e c tr i c a lP a r tsL i s t 3 .B lo c kD i a g r a m s...
  • Page 2 ELECTRONICS ¨Ï Sam sung E lectronics Co.,L td. O ctober. 2002 P rinted in K orea. C ode N o.: G H 68-03167A B A SIC.
  • Page 3 C214 C- CERAMIC,CHIP 100nF,+80- 20%,16V,Y5V,TP,1005 2404- 001105 C216 C- TA,CHIP 10UF,20%,6.3V,GP,TP,2012 2203- 005061 C220 C- CERAMIC,CHIP 100nF,+80- 20%,16V,Y5V,TP,1005 2203- 005061 C221 C- CERAMIC,CHIP 100nF,+80- 20%,16V,Y5V,TP,1005 2203- 005061 C222 C- CERAMIC,CHIP 100nF,+80- 20%,16V,Y5V,TP,1005 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 1- 1...
  • Page 4 1000NF,10%,10V,X5R,TP,1608 2404- 001151 C530 C- TA,CHIP 33UF,20%,6.3V,LZ,TP,3216 2203- 000812 C535 C- CERAMIC,CHIP 0.033nF,5%,50V,NP0,TP,1005 2203- 006053 C536 C- CERAMIC,CHIP 1000NF,10%,10V,X5R,TP,1608 2203- 000940 C547 C- CERAMIC,CHIP 470pF,10%,50V,X7R,TP,1005,- 2203- 005509 C549 C- CERAMIC,CHIP 330nF,+80- 20%,10V,Y5V,TP,1005 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 1- 2...
  • Page 5 TR- SMALL SIGNAL 2SC4617,NPN,200m W,EM3,TP,120- 5 0505- 001121 Q401 FET- GAAS 3441,20V,+- 8V,3.3A,2000mW,TSOP- 6,TP 0501- 002356 Q503 TR- SMALL SIGNAL - ,NPN,250MW,SOT- 323,TP,250- 630 2SA1576,PNP,200MW,SOT- 323,TP,180- 39 0501- 000162 Q505 TR- SMALL SIGNAL SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 1- 3...
  • Page 6 2007- 007771 R404 R- CHIP 0OHM,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2007- 001325 R405 R- CHIP 3.3Kohm ,5%,1/ 16W,DA,TP,1005 2007- 007771 R416 R- CHIP 0OHM,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2007- 007771 R460 R- CHIP 0OHM,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2007- 000174 R501 R- CHIP 47ohm,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 1- 4...
  • Page 7 6V,- ,- 35TO+85C,TR,BASEBAND PROCESSOR LRS1395,4MX16/4MX16/1MX16BIT,CSP,72 1109- 001242 U303 IC- ETC. MEMORY P,11X8MM,70NS,3V,10%,PLASTIC,- 20TO+ 85C,50UA,C 24A2561,32Kx8Bit,TSSOP,8P,- ,- ,1.8V,- ,PL 1103- 001185 U304 IC- EEPROM ASTIC,- 25to+70C,1uA,CMOS,TR 0801- 002294 U307 IC- CMOS LOGIC 7SH08,AND GATE,SSOP,5P,50MIL,S SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 1- 5...
  • Page 8 PBA MAIN- SGHT208 SGH- T208,- ,CHNA,MAIN PBA,- ,- ,- ,- ,- SGH- T208,FR- 3,8L,- ,1.0T,100X158,- ,- ,- , GH41- 00313A PCB- SGHT208 GH96- 00993A ELA ETC- SGHT208 SGH- T208,CHINA,- ,V/K FPCB,MIC ,- ,- SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 1- 6...
  • Page 9 2. SGH-T208 Exploded View and its Parts List 1. Cellular phone Exploded View SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice...
  • Page 10: Cellular Phone Parts List

    S C RE WR F D U M M Y G H73- 01077A S C RE W 6001- 001155 G H43- 00592A 700m A B A TTE RY G H43- 00593A 900m A SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 2- 2...
  • Page 11 SGH- T208 E xploded view and its Part list 3. Test Jig (GH80- 00585A) 3- 1. Test Jig Cable (GH39- 00096A) 3- 2. RF Jig Cable (GH39- 00140A) SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 2- 3...
  • Page 12 SGH- T208 E xploded view and its Part list SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 2- 4...
  • Page 13 3 . S G H - T 2 0 8 B l o c k D i a g r a m 1. Bloc k Diagr am SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 3- 1...
  • Page 14 SGH- T208 Block Diagram 2. RF Bloc k Diagram SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 3- 2...
  • Page 15 SG H- T208 Block Diagram 3. Rec e ive Bloc k Diagr am SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 3- 3...
  • Page 16 SGH- T208 Block Diagram 4. Transmit Bloc k Diagr am SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 3- 4...
  • Page 17 CN401 L103 R135 R117 C107 C123 U503 R139 R127 C106 R112 C111 L104 C143 C126 R618 U401 R105 R106 L105 C130 R129 U607 C148 C147 C138 C135 R134 R137 R402 R403 C141 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 4- 1...
  • Page 18 SGH- T208 PCB Diagrams 2. Main PCB Bo t t om Diagr am SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 4- 2...
  • Page 19 C heck th e pin 10of C he ck the C X 805 (U30 2) U 40 1 is h igh Y es C he ck the initial op era tion E ND SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 5- 1...
  • Page 20 U 603's wa ve& R 3 15 is "High " Y es C h eck theco nne ction s an d in itia lization u sin g F actory Test P rogram E ND SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 2- 2...
  • Page 21 C he ck the p in20 of U 401 is "H IG H " & C he ck the U 40 1 pin 32, 34 o f U4 01 ¡Ö4.7V Y es E ND SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 2- 3...
  • Page 22 C o nne ctionto S IMcard Y es C h eck thecircuit aroun d U 304 (S eria l E E P R O M ) an d da tasto redinit Y es E ND SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 2- 4...
  • Page 23 Y es A ud ioloo pba ck is e na bled b y boa rd R ep la cethe K e y P C B test p rog ra m . E ND SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 2- 5...
  • Page 24 C ha rg e theB a ttery onLC DM o dule Y es Is S pea ke r wo rking? R ep la ce theS pea ke r Y es E ND SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 2- 6...
  • Page 25 U 60 3 ¡Ö1V? Y es The P in 1 of U 603 's C lock C he ck the U 20 1 ¡Ö 3 .9 M H z Y es E ND SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 2- 7...
  • Page 26 Y es C h eck U 302 using F a cto ry Te st C ha ngethe F ro nt d om e she et P ro gra m Y es E ND SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 2- 8...
  • Page 27 ¡Ã2 .8 R ep la ce theC onto C on Lcdm odu lean d M ain B 'd conn ectionis O .K? F le xib le p cb Y es E ND SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 2- 9...
  • Page 28 N 502to LC D R ep la ce fle xib leP C B M odu le Y es LC Dbacklight o n ? C he ck the LC D Y es E ND SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 2- 10...
  • Page 29 C h eck theU1 00 ¡Ã -6 5 d B m Y es U1 02 C h eck theU1 02 pin 1 1 ¡Ã -6 5 d B m Y es E ND SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 2- 11...
  • Page 30: Gsm Tr Ansmitter

    C heck th e U 104 ¡Ã 2 5 d B m Y es U1 02 p in10& C heck th e U 102 C 121 ¡Ã 2 5 d B m Y es E ND SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 2- 12...
  • Page 31: Dcs Receiver

    C h eck theU1 00 pin 1 3 ¡Ã -6 5 d B m Y es U1 02 C h eck theU1 02 pin 1 3 ¡Ã -6 5 d B m Y es E ND SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 2- 13...
  • Page 32: Dcs Transmitter

    ¡Ã 2 5 d B m Y es U1 02 p in12 & C heck th e U 102 C 132,R 140 ¡Ã 2 5 d B m Y es E ND SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 2- 14...