Chapter 2
File Directory
Open the folders of the Media Hub. Use the Finder to add,
copy, move, or delete files.
Media Hub Accessed Through Friendly Name
Media Folder of Media Hub Accessed Through Friendly Name
Device Folder
If you have a USB storage device or memory card directly
connected to the Media Hub, you can access it through
the Media Hub.
If you accessed the Media Hub through its Friendly
Name or IP address, the name of the USB storage device
or memory card is displayed. Double-click the name to
access its files.
USB Storage Device Accessed Through Friendly Name
Media Hub
Import Folder
The media\import folder stores the data imported
from USB storage devices or memory cards. The data is
organized by the date of the data import.
Data Imported from USB Storage Device
Backup Folder
The backup folder stores the data backed up from USB
storage devices or memory cards. The data is organized
by the date of the data backup.
Data Backed Up from USB Storage Device
Example Showing How to Copy Media Files to the
Media Hub
The following example describes the instructions to copy
music files to the media\music folder of the Media Hub.
Use similar instructions to copy the other types of files,
photo or video.
1. In the Finder, select the music files on your computer
or other network device. Then go to Edit > Copy.
If you have a USB storage device
or memory card directly connected to the
Media Hub, then its device name is displayed.
Double-click the device name to access its files.
2. Open the media\music folder of the Media Hub.
Getting Started