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Status And Identify Leds - IBM FlashSystem 840 Installation Manual

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Figure 11. USB ports
Figure 12. Status and identify LEDs
10. When initialization completes, the identify LED, which is blue, will go off, and
FlashSystem 840: Installation Guide
– The IP address of a simple mail transfer protocol (SMTP) server for
sending automated notifications of alerts. When this Call Home feature is
enabled, the system notifies IBM of system health and failures.
2. Locate the three USB flash drives that were included with your order in the
documentation package.
Note: If you purchased an encryption license for your system, three USB
flash drives are included with your system. All three USB flash drives contain
the initialization tool and a script that is used to generate the encryption key.
3. Insert the USB flash drive into a USB port on the computer.
4. To start the initialization tool, open the USB flash drive and double-click
InitTool.bat. The initialization tool wizard starts.
5. On the Tasks page, select Yes to configure a new system. If you already
initialized the system but are unable to access it, select No. If you select No,
more options become available.
6. On the Encryption page, select Yes to indicate that you purchased a license to
activate encryption for the system.
7. On the Management IP page, enter the IP address, Subnet mask, and
Gateway information. Click Apply and Next.
8. Before you proceed, ensure that the system is powered on.
9. Remove the USB flash drive from the computer. Insert the USB drive into the
port on the left canister to allow the system to initialize. Figure 11 shows the
locations of the USB ports.
1 , 2 USB ports
1 Canister status LED
2 Canister identify LED
the canister status LED will come on solid, indicating that the canisters have


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