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Precaution during operation
(1) If " OPR. 8 Setting for the movement amount after near-point dog ON" is less
than the deceleration distance from "OPR. 4 OPR speed" to "OPR. 5 Creep
speed", machine OPR control is completed normally.
(2) When the near-point dog is ON at start, an error, "Start during near-point dog
ON" (Error code: 201) occurs. Perform JOG operation to move the axis to the
position where the near-point dog turns OFF.
Refer to Section 8.4 OPR retry function.
(3) If the axis stop signal is turned ON during operation performed at "OPR. 4
OPR speed", the axis decelerates to a stop at the time set in "OPR. 7 DEC/
STOP time at OPR".
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