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Establishing Traffic Class As A Match Criterion (Nested Traffic Classes); Example: Nested Traffic Class For Maintenance; In One Traffic Class - Cisco cBR 8 Configuration Manual

Cbr series converged broadband routers
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Establishing Traffic Class as a Match Criterion (Nested Traffic Classes)

match access-group 101
In the traffic class cisco2, the match criterion are evaluated consecutively until a successful match is located.
The packet is first evaluated to determine whether the IP protocol can be used as a match criterion. If so, the
packet is matched to traffic class cisco2. If not, then QoS group 4 is evaluated as a match criterion and so on.
If the packet matches none of the specified criteria, the packet is classified as a member of the default traffic
class (class default-class).
Establishing Traffic Class as a Match Criterion (Nested Traffic Classes)
There are two reasons to use the match class-map command. One reason is maintenance; if a large traffic
class currently exists, using the traffic class match criterion is easier than retyping the same traffic class
configuration. The second and more common reason is to mix match-all and match-any characteristics in one
traffic policy. This enables you to create a traffic class using one match criterion evaluation instruction (either
match-any or match-all) and then use that traffic class as a match criterion in a traffic class that uses a different
match criterion type.
Consider this likely scenario: Suppose A, B, C, and D were all separate match criterion, and you wanted traffic
matching A, B, or C and D (i.e., A or B or [C and D]) to be classified as belonging to a traffic class. Without
the nested traffic class, traffic would either have to match all four of the match criterion (A and B and C and
D) or match any of the match criterion (A or B or C or D) to be considered part of the traffic class. You would
not be able to combine "and" (match-all) and "or" (match-any) statements within the traffic class; you would
be unable to configure the desired configuration.
The solution: Create one traffic class using match-all for C and D (which we will call criterion E), and then
create a new match-any traffic class using A, B, and E. The new traffic class would have the correct evaluation
sequence (A or B or E, which is equivalent to A or B or [C and D]).

Example: Nested Traffic Class for Maintenance

In the following example, the traffic class called class1 has the same characteristics as the traffic class called
class2, with the exception that traffic class class1 has added a destination address as a match criterion. Rather
than configuring traffic class class1 line by line, you can enter the match class-map class2 command. This
command allows all of the characteristics in the traffic class called class2 to be included in the traffic class
called class1, and you can add the new destination address match criterion without reconfiguring the entire
traffic class.
Router(config)# class-map match-any class2
Router(config-cmap)# match protocol ip
Router(config-cmap)# match qos-group 3
Router(config-cmap)# match access-group 2
Router(config-cmap)# exit
Router(config)# class-map match-all class1
Router(config-cmap)# match class-map class2
Router(config-cmap)# match destination-address mac 0000.0000.0000
Router(config-cmap)# exit
Example: Nested Traffic Class to Combine match-any and match-all Characteristics in One
Traffic Class
The only method of including both match-any and match-all characteristics in a single traffic class is to use
the match class-map command. To combine match-any and match-all characteristics into a single class, use
Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers Quality of Services Configuration Guide for Cisco IOS XE
Fuji 16.7.x
Modular Quality of Service Command-Line Interface QoS

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