show spanning-tree
show spanning-tree
Use the show spanning-tree user EXEC command to display spanning-tree state information.
Syntax Description
active [detail]
bridge [address | detail |
forward-time | hello-time |
id | max-age | priority
[system-id] | protocol]
detail [active]
interface interface-id
[active [detail] | cost |
detail [active] |
inconsistency | portfast |
priority | rootcost | state]
Catalyst 3550 Multilayer Switch Command Reference
show spanning-tree [bridge-group | active [detail] | backbonefast | blockedports | bridge | detail
[active] | inconsistentports | interface interface-id | mst | pathcost method | root | summary
[totals] | uplinkfast | vlan vlan-id] [ | {begin | exclude | include} expression]
show spanning-tree bridge-group [active [detail] | blockedports | bridge | detail [active] |
inconsistentports | interface interface-id | root | summary] [| {begin | exclude | include}
show spanning-tree vlan vlan-id [active [detail] | blockedports | bridge | detail [active] |
inconsistentports | interface interface-id | root | summary] [ | {begin | exclude | include}
show spanning-tree {vlan vlan-id | bridge-group} bridge [address | detail | forward-time |
hello-time | id | max-age | priority [system-id] | protocol] [ | {begin | exclude | include}
show spanning-tree {vlan vlan-id | bridge-group} root [address | cost | detail | forward-time |
hello-time | id | max-age | port | priority [system-id] [ | {begin | exclude | include}
show spanning-tree interface interface-id [active [detail] | cost | detail [active] | inconsistency |
portfast | priority | rootcost | state] [ | {begin | exclude | include} expression]
show spanning-tree mst [configuration | instance-id] [detail | interface interface-id [detail]]
[ | {begin | exclude | include} expression]
(Optional) Specify the bridge group number. The range is 1 to 255.
(Optional) Display spanning-tree information only on active interfaces
(only available in privileged EXEC mode).
(Optional) Display spanning-tree BackboneFast status.
(Optional) Display blocked port information (only available in privileged
EXEC mode).
(Optional) Display status and configuration of this switch (optional
keywords only available in privileged EXEC mode).
(Optional) Display a detailed summary of interface information (active
keyword only available in privileged EXEC mode).
(Optional) Display inconsistent port information (only available in
privileged EXEC mode).
(Optional) Display spanning-tree information for the specified interface
(all options except portfast and state only available in privileged EXEC
mode). Enter each interface separated by a space. Ranges are not
supported. Valid interfaces include physical ports, VLANs, and port
channels. The valid VLAN range is 1 to 4094. The valid port-channel
range is 1 to 64.
Chapter 2 Cisco IOS Commands