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Isc And Icc Wall Opening Requirements - GE SIGNA Voyager Pre-Installation

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4 ISC and ICC Wall Opening Requirements

This section describes method for mounting the Integrated System Cabinet (ISC) and Integrated
Cooling Cabinet (ICC). ISC and ICC must be covered on both sides for safety. It is customer's
responsibility to furnish closet for Magnet Room side to limit access to the panel.
The RF shielded room acceptance test must be performed after the opening is cut in the RF
shielding for the GE Penetration Panel and Mesh Shield Tunnel. This acceptance test must be
conducted with vendor supplied blank panel installed over the openings and the same mounting
hardware to be used with the GE Penetration Panel and Mesh Shield Tunnel. It is the facility's
responsibility to ensure that the RF Shielded Room Vendor testing meets the attenuation
specifications listed in
Special Consideration for ISC, refer to
Note that the bottom of opening cut out is measured from the floor of Equipment Room, not from
the floor of Magnet Room.
Chapter 3, RF Shield Room
Equipment Room Construction Requirements
SIGNA Voyager Pre-Installation
Direction 5680008–1EN, Revision 2
4 ISC and ICC Wall Opening Requirements

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