I N T R O D U C T I O N T O M A X P R O ® N V R
Ar chival Schedule Check box
Ensure Clip scheduled for archival are not deleted until archived check box is introduced in
System tab > Archival Schedule to ensure that clips will not be deleted by the system until it is
archived. The following are the benefits if user selects this check box.
This check box settings is applicable for the following:
Ar chival Clip and Deletion Retry
This feature is introduced to allow user to configure the Archival and Deletion retry settings in
the config file available in bin folder. For any reason if the archival drive disconnects then
based on the config file settings the:
The default value for retry process is set to 4. User can set the required number for archival
and deletion retry process.
Vali dati on Message For Network Credenti als
If user adds a Network Drive for Archival without Domain, Username and Password then a
validation message is displayed to provide the network credentials.
Disabled Password Neve r Expir es
In User tab, if IS Windows user check box is selected then the Password Never Expire check
box is disabled and it cannot be cleared. This ensures that for a Windows user the password
will never expiries.
Playing archi ve d clips through Cli ent machi ne
User was unable to access and play the archived clips from NVR server machine. If user drag
and drops the archived clips into the viewer then an error message is displayed.
User needs to have the privileges to access the archived clips from remote NVR clients. Refer
to the See
combinations to play the archived clips from client machine.
Improved GPU renderi ng
GPU Rendering capability is now enhanced to handle the camera video packets along with
decompression technique. User can view smooth and clear live video through GPU rendering.
User should modify the registry value in client or server machine to enable GPU rendering
mode. See
If the clip deletion schedule is reached for a specific clip then this feature will retry
and archive the clip.
Integrity services
Neo Deletion Scheduled
Disk Space Full
Distress deletion
Archival clip retry feature will help to get the pending archival clips.
Deletion clip retry feature will retry the process and deletes the clips.
How to configure the Archival and Deletion retry settings
Playing archived clips through Client machine
Different Scenarios to playback Archived Clip
Improved GPU Rendering
section on how to set the retry
for complete details of the possible
section to playback Archived clips.
section on page
for more information.
MAXPRO NVR 5.6 Installation and Configuration Guide