Table 25. Upgrading memory plugging rules. Plug the additional quad of memory modules in any of the
remaining open quad slots
Memory module location
P1-C24, P1-C25, P1-C26, P1-C27
P1-C32, P1-C33, P1-C34, P1-C35
P1-C40, P1-C41, P1-C42, P1-C43
P1-C48, P1-C49, P1-C50, P1-C51
1. From the Operation list, select Set Identify LED. Then, click OK to confirm the operation.
This action causes causes the blue system ID LED to turn on. You can also identify the locations for the
memory to be installed.
2. Open the rear rack door, if necessary.
3. Label and disconnect both UPIC cables from the system control unit.
UPIC cable locations are P1-C1-T1 and P1-C2-T1.
a. Remove the white plastic lock (A) from the plug housing.
Figure 168. Removing the UPIC cable lock
b. Push down on the blue cable latch (B) and pull out the UPIC cable from the system control unit.
CPU socket
Memory modules 195