Chapter 1
Cisco 7500 Series Product Overview
Cisco 7507 Overview
Figure 1-6
Dual CyBus Backplane in the Cisco 7507
slots 2
slots 0 and 1
and 3
slots 4–6
CyBus 0
CyBus 1
An RSP2, RSP4/4+, RSP8, or RSP 16 in either slot 2 or slot 3 controls both CyBus 0 and CyBus 1. The
dual CyBus backplane in the Cisco 7507 has an aggregate bandwidth of 2.134 Gbps. The two CyBuses
are independent of one another. Interface processors connected to one CyBus are unaffected by the traffic
generated by the interface processors connected to the other.
The backplane slots are keyed so that the processor modules can be installed only in the slots designated
for them. Keys on the backplane fit into two key guides on each module. Although the RSP uses unique
keys, all five interface processor slots use the same key, so you can install an interface processor in any
interface processor slot, but not in the RSP slot.
Cisco 7500 Series Installation and Configuration Guide
OL-5008-03 B0