Nokia XR20 用户指南
您可以优先处理较为重要的对话。 当您收到有关新消息的通知时, 请从屏幕顶部向下滑动。 长按该消息,
然后点按 优先级 > 应用 。 如果对话保持在对话列表的顶部, 那么锁定屏幕会显示优先对话中是否有新
Use conversation bubbles
You can pin conversations so that they always stay on top of other apps as bubbles.
When you receive a notification about a new message, swipe down from the top of the screen.
Tap � on the message. When there are new messages in the conversation, they pop up on
the screen. To view the entire conversation, tap the bubble. To dismiss the conversation, tap
any other part of the screen. If a bubble is on your way, just tap and drag it to another part
of the screen. To remove the bubble, drag it down the screen to �. If you want to unpin the
conversation, when you receive a notification about a new message in the conversation, swipe
down from the top of the screen. Tap � on the message.
如要启动功能, 点按通知面板中的快速设置图标。 如要查看更多图标, 向下拖动功能表。
要重新排列图标, 请点按 � , 长按所需图标, 然后将其拖至其他位置。
如果在嘈杂的环境中难以听到手机铃声, 或通话声音太大, 您可以使用手机侧面的音量键来根据自己的
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