electrical input 4
electronic emission Class A notice 210
environment 4
error codes and messages
diagnostic 130, 191
system error 191
error logs 102
BMC system-event 102
clearing 103
RSA II event/error 102
system 102
system event/error 102
viewing 102
error symptoms
CD-ROM drive, DVD-ROM drive 115
general 116
hard disk drive 116
intermittent 117
keyboard, USB 117
memory 119
microprocessor 119
monitor 120
mouse, USB 117
optional devices 122
pointing device, USB 117
power 123
serial port 124
ServerGuide 124
software 125
USB port 126
format, diagnostic code 129
messages, diagnostic 128
activity LED 6
connector 6
controller 4
troubleshooting 198
link LED 6
expansion bays 4
expansion slots 4
connector locations 7
determine error 66
error LEDs 10
installingFinstalling 66
removing 66
FCC Class A notice 210
features 3
ServerGuide 15
field replaceable units (FRUs) 32, 37
firmware code, updating 26
firmware, updating 13
flash-update the BIOS code 188
forgotten password, bypassing 21, 22
IBM System x3250 M2 Types 4190, 4191 and 4194: Problem Determination and Service Guide
FRUs, replacing
microprocessor 88
operator information panel assembly 72
power supply 75
SAS/SATA backplane 81
SATA back plate 81
system board 94
getting help 203
gloss statement (Germany) 210
grease, thermal 92
hard disk drive
activity LED 5
hot-swap SATA 60
installing 59, 60
problems 116
removing 59
SAS 60
simple-swap SATA 60
hardware service and support 204
heat output 4
heat-exchanger assembly
installing 91
removing 89
heat-exchanger, applying thermal grease 91
help, getting 203
humidity 4
IBM Director 28
IBM Support Line 204
important notices 2
installation order, memory modules 65
adapter 54
air baffle 68
battery 69
bezel 52
CD or CD/DVD drive 63
cover 51
DIMMs 65
fan 67
hard disk drive 59
microprocessor 90
operator-information panel 72
power supply 76
riser-card assembly 79
SAS/SATA backplane 82
SAS/SATA controller 86
SATA back plate 82
system board 95
controllers 4