hit counter script

Cisco ROUTER-SDM-CD User Manual page 761

User guide
Table of Contents


Chapter 32
ACL Editor
What do you want to do?
If you want to:
Add or edit a rule entry.
Add a rule entry using an
existing entry as a template.
Reorder rule entries to make
sure that the router evaluates
particular entries.
Associate a rule with an
Delete a rule entry.
Learn more about rules.
What I want to do is not
described here.
The Associate button is enabled only if you are adding a rule from the Access
Rules window.
Do this:
Click Add, and create the entry in the window displayed. Or click
Edit, and change the entry in the window displayed.
Select the entry you want to use as a template, and click Clone. Then
create the entry in the dialog box displayed.
The dialog box displays the contents of the entry you selected so that
you can edit it to create a new entry.
Select the rule entry, and click the Move Up or the Move Down button
to move the entry where you want it.
Click Associate and select the interface and direction in the Associate
with an Interface window.
If the Associate button is not enabled, you can associate the rule with
an interface by double-clicking the interface in the Interfaces and
Connections window and using the Associate tab.
Select the rule entry, and click Delete. Then confirm deletion in the
Warning window displayed.
Explore the resources on Cisco.com. The following link contains
information about IP access lists:
The following link contains procedures that you may want to consult:
Useful Procedures for Access Rules and Firewalls
Cisco Router and Security Device Manager 2.5 User's Guide
Rules Windows


Table of Contents

This manual is also suitable for:

Router and security device manager 2.5

Table of Contents